While appearing in England at the height of his stand-up popularity in 1980, Martin received an unexpected call from legendary director Stanley Kubrick. A noted fan of Martin’s (he lovedThe Jerk), Kubrick summoned Martin to his estate and pitched the comic the lead role in what would event...
While appearing in England at the height of his stand-up popularity in 1980, Martin received an unexpected call from legendary director Stanley Kubrick. A noted fan of Martin’s (he lovedThe Jerk), Kubrick summoned Martin to his estate and pitched the comic the lead role in what would event...
While appearing in England at the height of his stand-up popularity in 1980, Martin received an unexpected call from legendary director Stanley Kubrick. A noted fan of Martin’s (he lovedThe Jerk), Kubrick summoned Martin to his estate and pitched the comic the lead role in what would event...
Eisner-nominated comic book writer Alex de Campi and THR contributor Simon Abrams take a look at the highs and lows of Steven Spielberg's adaptation.