当时针对“个人批量匿名化”场景,推荐的是DICOM Cleaner。但是,前段时间需要匿名化一大批数据,并且对匿名化有一些定制化要求,这个时候发现,DICOM Cleaner不太好使。一方面,还是需要比较多的手工操作,比如选择影像,设置选项,点击按钮啥的。另一方面,定制化能力不够强大,或者说,可以定制的范围比较小。 大家还记得CTP吗?当...
如果只是临时有少量DICOM影像需要匿名化,可以选择网页版DICOM Library。 如果个人经常要处理批量的DICOM影像,优先选择DICOM Cleaner。 如果是要消除超声图像中嵌入的(Burned in)信息,那么也选择DICOM Cleaner。 如果安装或使用DICOM Cleaner遇到困难,那么商业软件DICOM Anonymizer Pro是备选。 如果要消除CT或MR头部扫描包含...
DicomCleaner™is a free open source tool with a user interface for importing, "cleaning" and saving sets of DICOM instances (files). It can: Import files from a CD or the local hard drive or a shared network drive or any other media, with or without a DICOMDIR ...
DicomCleaner anonymises DICOM files either locally or through a PACS connection. Header elements are selected in blocks, allowing varying levels of anonymisation. Particular emphasis is placed on thoroughness and correctness, and conformance to the DICOM standard. A header section describing the ...
也就是按照Study Instance UID分类,分类的目的是便于分析,一般情况下我们会根据Study进行研究,如果不同Study的Dcm文件参杂在一起,可能会造成数据丢失。 名称表达式中包含变量,可以根据自己的需要自行定义。 整理的zip包保存在你选择的文件夹的根目录下。 更多使用方法请参考软件内的说明。 DicomCleaner下载地址...
Dicom Cleaner This repository provides tools intended for use to scrape personal health information (PHI) that is represented as text from image headers and pixels. Each subfolder here corresponds to a different kind of cleaner, and a docker container. ...
DicomCleaner allows some metadata modification, controlled via predefined sets of changes (e.g., “Remove patient characteristics”), unlike DicomBrowser's support for arbitrary operations on individual attributes. DicomCleaner offers both file-based and DICOM networking-based import and export; it ...
Cleaner Go Element and Dataset representations (in the absence of Go generics) Better support for icon image sets in addition to primary image sets Write and encode Datasets back to DICOM files Enhanced testing and benchmarking support Modern, canonical Go. ...
CB39402--DigitalVolcano Duplicate Cleaner Pro 5.20.0 非常強大的重複檔查找軟體 英文破解版 CB40236--DA-Software HelpCreator 2.8.1 幫助文檔製作軟體 英文破解版 商品描述 JPEG to DICOM 1.11.0 將JPEG圖像轉換為DICOM格式的轉換軟體 英文破解版 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=...