These models include the DGS-1210-10P, DGS-1210-10MP, DGS-1210-28P, DGS-1210-28MP and DGS-1210-52MP. Using the switch’s management interface, an administrator can control various PoE functions, such as remotely rebooting cameras or access points, from anywhere on the network, including ...
24口千兆POE 2个千兆口:网管型交换机,193W 好评率100%|评价0 价格: ¥***.01件 价格: ¥***.02件以上 包转发率:41.7M MAC地址表:16K 电源电压:100 - 240V交流,50/60 Hz,内置电源 电源功率:251.3W (PoE开),26.3W (PoE关) 产品尺寸:444 x 210 x 44 mm ...
采购2024冬 D-LINK友讯 DGS-1210-28P 24口千兆网管48V POE网络交换机公告 采购详情 询价单编号:ZGC5423***843 询价单有效期:至2024***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见相似工厂 网络交换机类精选货源 网络交换机实力榜 第1名 潮州市潮安区宇光电子科技有限公司 网络交换机 2500m²潮州 94%响应率 10...
免费查询更多d-link+dgs-1210-28p 防非法dhcp服务器详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
DGS-1210-28P 24-Port 10/100/1000Mbps plus 4 Combo GE/SFP Smart Managed PoE Switch. Front Panel Figure 1.13 – DGS-1210-28P Front Panel The front panel of the DGS-1210-28P switch consists out of the following: • Power LED : The Power LED lights up when the Switch is connected to...
DGS-1210-28P 28-Port PoE Switch- Best Seller DGS-1210-52 52-Port Switch DGS-1210-52MP 52-Port PoE Switch DGS-1510-52XMP 48-Port PoE Switch DGS-1250-28X-6KV 28-Port Switch DGS-1250-28X-6KV 28-Port PoE Switch DGS-1250-52X-6KV 52-Port Switch ...
价格:面议 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:气动产品 供应商:如东宏信机械制造有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:缪煜 联系电话 点此询价 买家还在看 促卖ROEMHELD夹紧缸 出售ROEHM油缸 原装销售BERG油缸 burkert宝德电磁阀德国原厂销售宝德... 美国原装进口SEL继电器上海辰丁主推品牌... ...
DGS-1210-10P 8-Port PoE Switch - Best Seller DGS-1210-10MP 8-Port PoE Switch - Best Seller DXS-1210-12SC 12-Port Switch DXS-1210-12TC 12-Port Switch DGS-1210-28 28-Port Switch DGS-1210-28P 28-Port PoE Switch - Best Seller DGS-1210-52 52-Port Switch DGS-1210-52MP 52-Port ...
The DGS-1510-28P’s 10/100/1000 Mbps ports are PoE-enabled for powering devices such as IP cameras, VoIP phones and wireless access points. Compliant with 802.3af and 802.3at, the DGS-1510-28P supports up to 30W of power output on any particular PoE port up to 193W, providing flexibili...