Generic Name(S):dextran 70-hypromellose Uses Thismedicationis used to relieve dry, irritatedeyes. Common causes fordry eyesinclude wind, sun, heating/air conditioning, computer use/reading, and certainmedications.This product may contain 1 or more of the following ingredients: carboxymethylcellulose,...
Home About Products Join Plex Contact Us News 中文 English Hypromellose 2910, Dextran 70 and Glycerol Eye Drops Indications:Relieve dry eyes, tingling and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by insufficient tear secretion or exposure to wind sand, sunlight, and long eye-level screen, and protect ...
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Clinical observation of Danzhi Xiaoyao Capsule with hypromellose 2910,dextran 70 and glycerol eye drops for dry eye in menopausal patientsdoi:info:doi/10.3980/j.issn.1672-5123.2016.6.29Wen-Li CaiJiao LiuYou-Qin SunGuoji Yanke Zazhi