The ultimate Devil Hunter is back in style, in the game action fans have been waiting for. The Deluxe Edition includes the full game, Playable Character Vergil also available separately, and the following additional content - Devil Breaker weapons Gerb
Beschrijving De ultieme Devil Hunter is terug in stijl, in de game waar elke actiefanaat op heeft gewacht. De Deluxe Edition bevat de volledige game, het speelbare personage Vergil (ook afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar) en de volgende aanvullende content: - Devil Breaker-wapens: Gerbera GP01, ...
Galerie Deze inhoud is vergrendeld VOER UW GEBOORTEDATUM IN Alles weergeven Beschrijving De ultieme Devil Hunter is terug in stijl, in de game waar elke actiefanaat op heeft gewacht. De Deluxe Edition bevat de volledige game, het speelbare personage Vergil (ook afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar...
今夜星光灭绝 【Devil May Cry 5--Vergil's story】:Return to the human world本视频以Devil May Cry 3为原型,以kail的视频为参考点,叙述了恶魔之塔从地底升起,从Vergil的角度出发,来叙述Vergil如何走出恶魔之塔回到人间的故事,本故事包涵了Vergil对抗各种不同而且凶残的魔界大军,甚至还有传说中的...
"I am the storm that is approaching!"You've sliced and diced through Red Grave City as Dante's twin brother and long-time rival, Vergil, and now you can revel in the auditory glory of his music!
關於Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + Vergil 大约 要求 關於這個 game 終極惡魔獵手又回來了,在遊戲中的動作迷們一直在等待。 豪華版包括完整遊戲、可玩角色:維吉爾(也可單獨購買)以及以下附加內容: - Devil Breaker 武器:Gerbera GP01、Pasta Breaker、Sweet Surrender、Mega Buster ...
传说中的Stylish Action《Devil May Cry 5》与“DMC5 - 可游玩角色'Vergil'”成套登场! 超越现实的真实感。 “最强”、“革新”、“王道”──三款不同的战斗风格。 互相竞争、炫示的联机游玩功能。 动作游戏的所有快感都集结于此! 本套装内的“DMC5 - 可游玩角色'Vergil'”与另外单独贩售的商品的内容相同,...
包含各種實惠DLC的Deluxe Edition與「可遊玩角色『Vergil』」成套登場! 請小心重複購買「可遊玩角色『Vergil』」。 ※已購入《Devil May Cry 5》的玩家請小心重複購買。 ※透過下載套裝中之「亞洲語言包」DLC,遊戲字幕將支援中文(繁體中文、簡體中文)和韓語。
购买后不单是STORY MODE,在“BLOODY PALACE”内也可以操作!操作运用居合剑术的Vergil时,名为“Concentration Gauge”的槽将会登场。透过排除多余的动作,能够令槽上升,储满时攻击力将会变得极强。玩家能够享受到跟其他角色截然不同的游玩乐趣。■官方网站
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + Vergil User Reviews All our customer reviews are open and honest. We publish all reviews that are relevant and follow ourguidelines. User Rating Average score from30 ratings 89%of users would recommend this.