The annual report for 2008 of the Deutsches Historisches Institut (German Historical Institute) in Rome, Italy, is presented. The report details research projects in medieval, Renaissance, early modern, modern, and music history conducted at the institute, which mostly have an Itali...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: MICH£LESCHUBERTZumWirkenPaulFridolinKehrsfüreindeutscheshistorischesZentralinstitutoder:DerlangeWegzumKaiser-Wilhelm-InstitutfürDeutscheGeschichteAm1.Oktober1917wurdeimRahmenderKaiser-Wilhelm-GesellschaftzurFörderungderWissenschaftene.V.dasKaiser-Wilhelm-Institut(im...
dissertation under advisor Ulrich Wengenroth, Munich, Christopher Neumaier compares the success of diesel cars in Germany with the relatively lower acceptance and sales of diesel cars in the United States up to 2005. In Germany, diesel engines have been used in cars since 1936 (though only by ...
The annual report for 2009 of the Deutsches Historisches Institut (German Historical Institute) in Rome, Italy, is presented. The report details research projects in medieval, Renaissance, early modern, modern, and music history conducted at the institute, which mostly have an Italian ...
MICH£LE SCHUBERT Zum Wirken Paul Fridolin Kehrs für ein deutsches historisches Zentralinstitut oder: Der lange Weg zum Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Deutsche Geschichte Am 1. Oktober 1917 wurde im Rahmen der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. das Kaiser-Wilhelm-...