In Destiny 2: Lightfall, Guardians venture to Neptune to explore Neomuna, a hidden city where a splinter of humanity has thrived in the aftermath of the Collapse. While the rest of the Solar System has been embroiled in years of bitter conflict, Neomuna has quietly stayed under the radar...
A man known as the Speaker rose to power and established the Consensus and Vanguard, with Tallulah Fairwind being appointed Hunter Vanguard and Osiris' friend Saint-14 becoming Titan Vanguard.[2] In the aftermath of the Fallen attack on the Last City known as the Battle of Six Fronts, ...
Riven of a Thousand Voices was originally considered the last living Ahamkara after the Great Ahamkara Hunt before the discovery of an uncorrupted clutch of her eggs; having formerly served Mara Sov and the Awoken as their greatest kept secret. She...
In Destiny 2: Lightfall, Guardians venture to Neptune to explore Neomuna, a hidden city where a splinter of humanity has thrived in the aftermath of the Collapse. While the rest of the Solar System has been embroiled in years of bitter conflict, Neomuna has quietly stayed under the radar...
1.8.2 Retreat to Titan 1.8.3 Retaking Earth 1.9 A New Golden Age? 1.10 Rasputin's Return 1.11 Crisis in the Reef 1.12 An Uncertain Future 1.12.1 Nightmares Awaken 1.12.2 The Vex Invasion 1.12.3 Saint-14's Return 1.12.4 Halting The Almighty 1.13 Challenging The Arrival 1.13.1 Dark ...
(2021/2/9)''', ''[[Destiny 2]]: [[Season of the Chosen]] - [[Lore:Empress]]: [[Lore:Empress#CHAPTER 5: NEW GODS|CHAPTER 5: NEW GODS]]''</ref> A [[Fall of Torobatl|battle]] began to defend the Cabal homeworld, but the endless army of Hive ground down the Cabal's ...
Sometime later, Caiatl was alerted by Advisor Taurun that Umun'arath had been apprehended in the central square of Torobatl's weaponsmith district, in the middle of conducting what appeared to be a Hive ritual. Caiatl arrived on the scene to confront the disgraced Evocate-General and was ...