English title: The Issue of Evil in Philosophy of J贸zef Tischner. The paper presents several understandings of evil distinguished by J贸zef Tischner, like the axiological evil, agathological evil and structural evil. While exposing the phenomenological approach of Tischner, Gadacz discusses evil ...
psychologysport performancePresents the results of a study which examined possible psychological correlates of flow in a sample of older athletes. State and trait; Relationships between flow and perceived ability, anxiety, and an intrinsic motivation variable; Masters athletes....
Finally, he describes the new regulations which MVV Energie AG must comply with as a listed enterprise.%Der Verfasser befaßt sich zunächst mit dem Umbau des Konzerns und beschreibt anschließend den Börsengang selbst. Die verschiedenen Kapitalmaßnahmen, das Zusammenspiel der ...
Die Ergebnisse der Berechnung werden dargestellt und analysiert. Die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Verfahren werden diskutiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die aufwendigeren Berechnungsverfahren zu wirtschaftlicheren Bemessungsergebnissen f眉hren können.J. Feix...
Dipti R. Patil, Mayur M. Aitawade, Santosh S. Undare, Govind B. Kolekar, Madhukar B. Deshmukh, and Prashant V. Anbhule. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 8, 2012, 1-6. - ResearchGatedoi:10.1002/lipi.19390461107Dr. M. Gordienkojws...
Clinical trials have allowed the evolution of evidencebased medical standard therapy for ulcerative colitis, both for induction and maintenance of remission in disease manifestations of different severity. Several preparations – in terms of formulation and application route – of 5-aminosalicylic acid ...
Bohringer, Christoph; Lange, Andreas; Moslener, Ulf; (2005); Der EU-Emissionshandel im Ziel- konflikt zwischen Effizienz, Kompensation und Wettbewerbsneutralitat; in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP), Eine Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Socialpolitik; 2005; Band 6; Heft 3; Blackwell ...
The heavy precipitation from August 22nd to August 23rd 2005 and the resulting floods caused severe damage on the eastern part of the Arlberg-railway line. Two damages in different geotechnical conditions are presented: A dislocation of the track as a result of the creeping of a gliding zone ...
Nieder et al. 1993/ Nieder, R., Kersebaum, K.C., Widmer, P. & Richter, J. (1993): Untersu- chungen zur Stickstoff-Immobilisation in mineralisch gedungten Ackerboden aus Loß wahrend der Vegetationszeit von Winter-Weizen. In: Z. Pflanzenernahr. Bodenk., 156, S. 293-300....
Aggregate Stability and Penetration Resistance of two Normal and Limed Soils To investigate the meliorative effect of liming, the aggregate stability (determined by wet sieving and sedimentation) and the penetration resistance (by a previously described method ( Becher 1973 a) of unlimed and limed...