1. Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA. 今年39岁的保罗·赫根罗德是美国伊利诺伊州立大学生物化学系教授,在基因工程研究方面有着卓越的建树。 2. Department of Radiology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi, an 710032, China ...
The Government of Jamaica also seeks to attract U.S. investment and supports efforts to create a Free Trade Area of the Americans (FTAA). More than 80 U.S. firms have operations in Jamaica, and total U.S. investment is estimated at more than $3 billion. An office of the U.S. and ...
The Seychelles islands remained uninhabited for more than 150 years after they became known to Western explorers. The islands appeared on Portuguese charts as early as 1505, although Arabs may have visited them much earlier. In 1742, the French Governor of Mauritius, Mahe de Labourdonais, sent a...
of reports on counterfeitgoodsthrough the hotline oftheDepartmentoverthe past three years, and the number [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (二 ) 過去 3 年,海關的熱電 話接獲 市民就 冒牌貨品作 出舉報的 個案 總數;當中成 功 檢控的 個案數目 及其所佔 的百分比 ,以及被 定罪 人士的平均刑罰...
Note: All vacancies except 33-13-0003774 and 33-13-0003776 require the ability to read Chinese. 歡迎求職者致電熱線 2417 6197 查詢有關職位空缺。 Job seekers are welcome to call our enquiry hotline at 2417 6197 if they have any query on the vacancies or details of this poster. 招聘...
Since the probability of Toyota correcting their problem is a 2 star effort, I have decided to leave your top line product stay exactly the way it is and be happy to show and tell with as many people as possible the type of empathy Toyota has for their customers after the vehicle is ...
A25: Please call the technical support hotline operated by the contractor at (852) 3128 8668 from 7 am to 11 pm (Hong Kong time) daily. Q26: Who should I contact if I have any other questions about the “e-Visa”? A26: Please contact the Information and Liaison Section...
I will be seeking full restitution of the money expanded on parts and labour I have been charged and will seek the parts that Midas removed from my car are re-installed in its original state. As time is of the essence in this case, please ensure that urgent action is taken. Tony and ...