1. Absolutely; altogether: You can be dead sure of my innocence. 2. Directly; exactly: There's a gas station dead ahead. 3. Suddenly: She stopped dead on the stairway.Idioms: dead and buried No longer in use or under consideration: All past animosities are dead and buried now. dead...
Memory deallocation frees up computer memory of completed processes and assigns new processes. Explore the definition and purpose of memory deallocation and learn about the single contiguous model and the partitioned model. Deallocation of Memory Deallocation of memory by the Operating System (OS) is ...
Define Chubb lock. Chubb lock synonyms, Chubb lock pronunciation, Chubb lock translation, English dictionary definition of Chubb lock. Chubb lock. Translations. English: Chubb lock® n Sicherheitsschloss nt. German / Deutsch: Sicherheitsschloss. Italia
Dead set . (a) The act of a setter dog when it discovers the game, and remains intently fixed in pointing it out . (b) A fixed or stationary condition arising from obstacle or hindrance; a deadlock; as, to be at adead set. ...
What Does Deadlock Mean? In general computing, a deadlock is a situation where two different programs or processes depend on one another for completion, either because both are using the same resources or because of erroneous cues or other problems. Advertisements Techopedia Explains Deadlock ...
Deadlocks.In systems with multiple processors, adeadlockcan occur if one processor attempts to access an I/O device while another processor is trying to use it. Extra memory requirements.Due to their improved computing capability, multiprocessor computers are widely used. However, they do come with...
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_ cubrid_lob2_ cubrid_lob_ cubrid_lock_ cubrid_move_ cubrid_new_ cubrid_next_ cubrid_num_ cubrid_pconnect_ cubrid_real_ cubrid_save_ cubrid_send_ cubrid_seq_ cubrid_set_ cubrid_unbuffered_ curl_copy_ curl_multi_ curl_setopt_ date_create_ date_date_ date_default_ date_get_ date_...
new capacity was necessary. Proponents ofair warfarebelieved that the airplane, operating in three dimensions, could not only give greater mobility to the offense but also could break the deadlock of positional war by its capacity to maintain an internal blockade on the enemy’s “home front.”...
Application state provides this means of creating global variables that can be seen by all users. One disadvantage to application state classes is that they can cause deadlock where one user’s activity can unknowingly try to update a variable at the same time another user is also doing so,...