region noun 1.A part of the earth's surface: area,belt,district,locality,neighborhood,quarter,tract,zone. Informal:neck of the woods. 2.A particular area used for or associated with a specific individual or activity: country,district,terrain,territory. ...
The meaning of REGION is an administrative area, division, or district; especially : the basic administrative unit for local government in Scotland. How to use region in a sentence.
The meaning of AREA is the surface included within a set of lines; specifically : the number of unit squares equal in measure to the surface. How to use area in a sentence.
they will have paid or will pay some of the fees in section IV.4 such as passport, visa, residency certificate, transportation and should not expect to be reimbursed as the employer did not seek them out in their country, province, state or region ...
The units used to measureareaare based on the units of length, i.e. mm, cm, m, km etc. to measure a region we use a square as a unit. Hence, the unit of area is a unit square. This is written as unit2. Let us see who the different units are used to represent thearea of...
An extended field of crater-shaped structures in the Gilf Kebir region, Egypt: Observations and hypotheses about their origin Using satellite imagery, we detected more than 1300 small crater-like structures distributed over an area of 40,000 km2 in the Western Egyptian Desert... Philippe,Paillou...
regions of head [TA] the topographic division of the cranium in relation to the bones of the cranial vault; the regions include frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, auricular, mastoid, and facial. Synonym(s):regiones capitis[TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
Area definition: any particular extent of space or surface; part. See examples of AREA used in a sentence.
a sphere of activity, interest, etc., especially within a particular business or profession: the field of teaching; the field of Shakespearean scholarship. the area or region drawn on or serviced by a business or profession; outlying areas where business activities or operations are carried on, ...
french region Sour Grapes: Gilles Legrand Decants a Heady Father-Son Drama Set in a Vineyard All is not well on the vineyard. You Will Be My Son , which takes place on an Edenic vineyard in the French region of Saint-Émilion, is, on the surface at least, an oenophile’s fantasy,...