The Azure Landing Zones (Enterprise-Scale) reference implementations in this repository are intended to support Enterprise-Scale Azure adoption and provides prescriptive guidance based on authoritative design for the Azure platform as a whole. Key customer landing zone requirementEnterprise-Scale reference ...
Data Management Landing Zone Data Landing Zone Data Product Landing Zone Continue Having an issue? We can help! For issues related to this module, explore existing questions using the#azure trainingtag orAsk a questionon Microsoft Q&A. For issues related to Certifications and Exams, post onCertifi...
AzureContainerApp AzureContainerAppEnvironment AzureContainerRegistry AzureContainerServices AzureCopyService AzureCosmosDB AzureCosmosDBEmulator AzureDataLakeStorage AzureDevOps AzureDisks AzureEventGridSubscription AzureFunctionsApp AzureKeyVault AzureKubernetesService AzureLogAnalyticsWorkspaces AzureMachineLearningWorksp...
Azure Lighthouse 仅支持在订阅和资源组范围内进行委派。 *.onmicrosoft.com为每个Microsoft Entra 租户创建的域名必须全局唯一,因为Microsoft Entra ID 是什么术语部分? *.onmicrosoft.com创建后,无法更改每个Microsoft Entra 租户的域名。 查看比较自管理Active Directory 域服务、Microsoft Entra ID 和托管Microsoft Entra...
AzureApiApp AzureAPIManagementServices AzureAppConfiguration AzureAppService AzureAzurite AzureBehaviorsSDK AzureContainerApp AzureContainerAppEnvironment AzureContainerRegistry AzureContainerServices AzureCopyService AzureCosmosDB AzureCosmosDBEmulator AzureDataLakeStorage AzureDevOps AzureDisks AzureEventGridSubscriptio...
Azure Lighthouse では、サブスクリプションとリソース グループのスコープでの委任のみがサポートされています。 各Microsoft Entra テナントに対して作成されている*.onmicrosoft.comドメイン名は、「Microsoft Entra ID とは」の用語セクションに示すようにグローバルに固有である必要があ...
The Azure Landing Zones (Enterprise-Scale) reference implementations in this repository are intended to support Enterprise-Scale Azure adoption and provides prescriptive guidance based on authoritative design for the Azure platform as a whole. Key customer landing zone requirementEnterprise-Scale reference ...