也是从17年左右开始,就有基于深度学习的cross-modal hashing。 DCMH("Deep cross-modal hashing") 该论文可以是基于deep learning 的cross-modal hashing的开始,为deep cross-modal hashing提供了一套完整的计算架构。 deep learning引入后的问题 本文将hash当作我们要学习的特征,通过神经网络对不同实例提取特征,然后...
deep cross modal hashing (torchcmh) torchcmh是一个基于PyTorch的深度跨模态hashing库 包含: 数据可视化 17-19年有名的baseline方法 多个数据集读取的API 损失函数API 配置调用 数据集 包括了4个我自己制作的数据集(Mirflickr25k, Nus Wide, MS coco, IAPR TC-12) 如果需要使用可以下载对应的.mat文件并去官网...
论文-Deep Cross-Modal Hashing Deep Cross-Modal Hashing 关键词:cross-Modal, deep learning 因为cross-modal hashing的低存储和高效的查询能力,被广泛用于多媒体的相似度检索中。本论文提出了一个deep cross-modal hashing(DCMH),首次将feature learning和hash-code learning结合到同一个框架中。 DCMH的框架: 该...
Due to its low storage cost and fast query speed, cross-modal hashing (CMH)\nhas been widely used for similarity search in multimedia retrieval\napplications. However, almost all existing CMH methods are based on\nhand-crafted features which might not be optimally compatible with the\nhash-...
Deep Hierarchy-Aware Proxy Hashing With Self-Paced Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval Due to its low storage cost and high retrieval efficiency, hashing technology is popularly applied in both academia and industry, which provides an interes... Y Huo,Q Qin,W Zhang,... - 《IEEE Transactions on...
)+dataset 输出:sentence(image) rank list method 文章的framework如下所示。 主要是将文本和图像映射到共享的子空间,然后在子空间上做cosine...这是CVPR2017的一篇做cross-modalretrieval的文章,paper和相关数据代码链接http://im2recipe.csail.mit.edu/,作者的homepage ...
The source code of paper "Contrastive Multi-bit Collaborative Learning for Deep Cross-modal Hashing". - sky-wz/CMCL
In particular,cross-modal hashing has been widely and successfully used in multimedia similarity search applications. However, almost all existing methods employing cross-modal hashing cannot obtain powerful hash codes due to their ignoring the relative similarity between heterogeneous data that contains ...
Qing-Yuan Jiang and Wu-Jun Li.Deep Cross-Modal Hashing.CVPR-2017. Author:Qing-Yuan JiangandWu-Jun Li Contact: qyjiang24#gmail.com or liwujun#nju.edu.cn We recommend you use matlab version to run DCMH algorithm. If you require IAPR TC12 dataset and NUS-WIDE dataset, please contact me...
As the rapid growth of multi-modal data, hashing methods for cross-modal retrieval have received considerable attention. Deep-networks-based cross-modal hashing methods are appealing as they can integrate feature learning and hash coding into end-to-end trainable frameworks. However, it is still ch...