The purpose of this research study was to explore the intersection of bereavement and child sexual abuse focussing on the specific experience of an adult survivor's grief process when the abuser dies. Both bereavement and child sexual abuse have been extensively ...
While grief can weigh heavy on adults, it can overwhelm and confuse young children. And although death is an inevitable part of life, finding the words to discuss or explain it to young children can challenge many parents. “Whether you’re talking about a family pet or a grandparent, ...
A novelist, writing in the first person, recounts how on the island where she lives, over a period of 15+ years, there has been a series of “disappearances”: the population wakes up some days with a shared sense of loss, that something from their familiar lives has ceased to exist, ...
grief; bereavement; suicide; traumatic death; research participation; ethics; research ethics1. Introduction 1.1. Rationale Adolescents who are bereaved by the death of someone close to them, such as a family member or a friend, often experience short-term and long-term impacts regarding their ...
"They may have thought something bad about their grandma, and now that she's dead, they're afraid they made it happen," says Barbara Coloroso, author ofParenting Through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief, and Change. "Explain that there was nothing anyone did that made her ...
The case has triggered an outpouring of grief on social media, with tens of thousands of posts on Weibo and Douyin over the weekend. "The whole country is watching this case. I hope the police can be fair and give the victim's family a satis...
(2002). Parents' perceptions of adolescent sibling grief responses after an adolescent or young adult child's sudden, violent death. OMEGA, 44, 77-95.Lohan JA, Murphy S (2002) Parents' perceptions of adolescent sibling grief responses after an adolescent or young adult child's sudden, violent...
Traditionally, the grief process has been viewed as linear stages or phases that an individual progresses through before grief can be resolved; however, more recent theories have favored a fluid bereavement journey. The dual-process model of coping with bereavement by Stroebe and Schut [8,9] sug...