Meyer, Kurt HLaboratoires de Chimie inorganique et organique de l'Université de GenèvePiroué, R. PLaboratoires de Chimie inorganique et organique de l'Université de GenèveOdier, M. ELaboratoires de Chimie inorganique et organique de l'Université de Genève...
We realized here two approaches toward the common skeleton of these alkaloids based on a radical cascade reaction as key-step. The first one is particularly original implying a radical cyclisation followed by Smiles’rearrangement aiming at the tetracyclic ring system (C, D, E, F) of these ...
doi:10.1002/anie.201408176WILEY‐VCH VerlagAngewandte Chemie International Edition
Verbeke, Gerard, Aristotelisme et Stoicisme dans le De Fato d'Alexandre d'Aphrodisias, in Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie 50(1968), 73-100.VERBEKE, G. "Aristotelisme et stoicisme dans le De Fato d'Alexandre d'Aphrodisias". Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie, 50 (1/2),...
This calendar will be compared with similar ones which have to be established forB. decumbensStapf. andB. brizantha(Hochst) Stapf., natural tetraploid apomicts. Differences were noticed between the original diploid and the induced tetraploid form.J. Gobbe...
Acute main left occlusionPercutaneous coronary interventionCardiogenic shockCirculatory assistanceAimAcute main left coronary artery occlusion is rarely observed during primary angioplasty in myocardial infarction. This retrospective study reports the results of six patients treated by angioplasty in a hospital ...
The quantitative analysis has shown that (i) practically all the information (90–95%) is provided by the plagiotropic branches (their length, the length of their internodes; dimension and number of their leaves) and by the pollen (dimensions); (ii) the various taxons of the subsection ...
No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/ange.19610731715Angewandte Chemie
First page of articledoi:10.1002/ange.19310444904Angewandte Chemie
The preparation of new tetrapeptides, pentapeptides and hexapeptides, which constitute intermediates in the synthesis of Eledoisin analogues, is described.doi:10.1002/hlca.19640470212Ed. SrinR. A. BoissonnasHelvetica Chimica ActaSandrin R A. Boissonnas. 178. Synthese d′analogues structuraux de ...