These rare situations may only happen when the DBS check has been applied for – if an application has not been made, the person may not start work. Any unchecked person must never be left unsupervised with children, and all children must always be within sight and hearing of a...
We have built a web-based application taking query spectrum online as well as prepared standalone downloadable executables that can be installed locally on users' own machines. An important feature of the standalone version is the flexibility for users to add SAP and/or PTM information to variou...
CLINICAL APPLICATION Whole body CONFIGURATION Compact short bore SURFACE COILS Head and body coil standard; all other coils optional e.g., abdomen, spine, breast, knee, shoulder, cardiac imaging coils SPECTROSCOPY Possible SYNCHRONIZATION ECG/peripheral, respiratory gating, (SmartPrep, SmartStep) PULSE... 訪問總量18K120.5M 上個月變化23.07%29.52% 平均訪問時長00:01:3200:03:15 每次訪問頁數2.82.47 跳出率49.95%54.44% 使用我們的免費試用版,與所有網站進行比較 依國家劃分的流量佔有率 與與 依據國家/地區流量分析顯示, 從 英國 獲...
CLINICAL APPLICATION Musculoskeletal,extremity CONFIGURATION Open MRI SURFACE COILS Spine,extremity,shoulder, flexcoil,kneedual phased array,ankle//foot dual phased array,hand//wrist dual phased array PULSESEQUENCES SE, GE, IR,STIR,TSE, 3D CE, GE-STIR, 3D GE, ME, TME, HSE ...
• the potential for heating of body tissue due to the application of the radio frequency energy; • the effects on implanted active devices such as cardiac pacemakers or insulin pumps; • magnetic torque effects on indwelling metal (clips, etc.); • the audible acoustic noise; ...