Additionally, all payments made through the digibank application using your digibank account are authenticated, first through your app log in and then by an in-built soft token on your device. For payments made through non-DBS accounts, you also enter the UPI PIN to authorise any transaction. ...
[MainForm] Width=12700 Height=8000 StartMaximazed=0 SaveSizeOnExit=0 FontName=Lucida Console FontSize=8 HighlightColor=32896 [Button] FontName=Arial Unicode MS FontSize=8 FontUnderline=0 FontStrikethru=0 FontItalic=0 FontBold=0 FontColor=0 [OS] OSCount=4 [OS_...
We have built a web-based application taking query spectrum online as well as prepared standalone downloadable executables that can be installed locally on users' own machines. An important feature of the standalone version is the flexibility for users to add SAP and/or PTM information to variou...