Equity Press
These Questions have been asked in Cognizant(CTS) for Mainframes Technical round of Interview. CICS & VSAM–> What is the MAX size of COMMAREA? What happens if we try to send the data with size more than 32k? While passing data between two programs(PGMA TO PGMB) using COMMAREA. If i...
functional-js-interview-question functional-middleware functional-pipeline functors-encapsulate-imperative-logic gas-ban-testimony gatsby-netlify-circle-and-cypress get-all-network-calls getting-good-at-fp getting-up-to-javascript-speed gh-reusable-workflows git-aliases git-bisect git-branches-...
DB2 9 for Developers Philip Gunning 730, 731 Understanding DB2 9 Security Rebecca Bond 等 730, 731 IBM DB2 Database Interview Questions, Answers and Explanations: IBM DB2 Database Certification Review Jim Stewart 730 Understanding DB2(R): Learning Visually with Examples (2nd Edition) Raul Chong ...
DBA Scripts Reorg table DB2 - DBA DB2 Database size in DB2 - DBA DB2 DBA Interview Question and Answers for DB2 - DBA DB2 DB2 SET CURRENT SCHEMA - DBA DB2 How to grant select privileges on all tables for DB2 - DBA DB2 DB2 SQL2413N - Online backup is not allowed - DBA DB2 How.....
articles Articles for objccn.io. objc.io的完整、准确、优雅的中文翻译版本 iOSInterviewQuestions iOS面试题集锦(附答案) growth-ebook Growth Engineering: The Definitive Guide。全栈增长工程师指南 ideabook一个全栈增长工程师的练手项目集. A Growth Engineering Idea in Action. zen iOS, Swift, Objective-...
Need SSIS Complex interview questions and Real time scenarios Need to add row count column through derived column transformation Need to email results of sql query in email body from SSIS Package Need to truncate table in destination database before inserting records into destination database table ...
Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, ...
Depending on the circumstances , it may be necessary to either deactivate one DB2 database or all databases in a single instance To deactivate one database , the following steps will help: - Turn AUTORESTART off via the command Db2 update cfg for using a
Usually when multiple projects are going on simultaneously and different changes are made to the same table, both the project teams need to coordinate and then test. In this scenario, one project has added a new column into the table in test region and o