Official site of Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Check out current Harley motorcycles, locate a dealer, & browse motorcycle parts and apparel.
Davidson's restlessness was intolerable even to himself. But he was buoyed up by a wonderful exhilaration. 戴维逊坐立不安,连他自己都感到无法忍受. 但是一种奇特的兴奋情绪支撑着他. 辞典例句 Davidson's brow lowered, and he protruded his firm chin . He looked fierce and determined. ...
What's in the Harley-Davidson® Online Store? The Harley-Davidson® official store has a massive online inventory of products and parts motorcycle enthusiasts want for themselves and their rides. From classic Harley-Davidson® bikes to the latest trending motorcycle gear, we offer a one-stop...
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At Davidson Technology our focus is our mission and our people. We are solving complex engineering and technical challenges through comprehensive, integrated solutions for our Nation’s security.
他和CR 主席DavidsonHepburn 先生代表联合专家小组对教 科文组织和经社理事会秘书处出色地筹备和召开这次会议表示赞赏。 On behalf of the Joint Expert Group, he aswellasMrDavidsonHepburn, Chairperson of CR, commended the secretariats of ...
davidsonwildcat Load More St.John's Story List Latest News Athletics Update to the Davidson College Community General 2.13.25 Bailey and ‘Cats Pull Away from UMass on the Road, 77-68 Men's Basketball 2.12.25 Baseball Hosts Bryant in Season-Opening Weekend ...
在Ballantyne、Davidson 和McIntyre诉加拿大的案件,员会裁定,没有必要为了保护加拿大境内说法语的群体易受伤害的地位而禁止以英语进行商业广告。 10.Dans Ballantyne, Davidson and McIntyre c. Canada, le Comité a estimé cependant qu'il n'était pas nécessaire, pour protéger les francophones en position vul...
很多人对美国文理学院了解较少,包括Davidson是哪所大学也是常被问及的存在,其实Davidson通常指的是位于美国北卡罗来纳州的戴维森学院(Davidson College)。戴维森学院是一所享有盛誉的私立文理学院,以其卓越的学术水平、丰富的校园文化以及优质的师资力量而闻名于世。下面就随托普仕留学老师就带您认识下吧!