Clint Van Der Linde、David Bates、La Nuova Musica 更多David Bates的作品 Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice 2019年 Purcell - Royal Odes Handel: Concerti Grossi - Op. 6, Nos. 1, 4, 8, 11 Horst-Tanu Margraf & Händelfestspielorchester Halle
A. van der Linde's book, which presented itself as such over a century ago, is imprecise and not unnaturally entirely out of date. A new version would thus fulfil an obvious need. The reasons for which it has not yet been undertaken must be sought in the complication created by the ...
Capa,Ben Nomadic,Joe Le Blanc,Five Seasons,Aldo Noir,Lo Tide,Frankie Uyterlinde,David Phillips,Mirage Of Deep,Aliye Mutlu,C.A.T.,Steen Thottrup,Denver Knoesen,Mazelo Nostra,Dreamw41ker,Spoq,Harrison & Daicz,Aquascape,Jozef Kugler,Living Room,FERAL is KINKY,Donkong,Scofield,Pianochocolate,Dub...
Hans-Martin Linde、保罗 · 萨赫、Collegium Musicum Zurich 试听 2:14 Concerto a 5 in F, Op. 7, No. 9 for Oboe, Strings and Continuo: I. Allegro 海因兹・霍利格、Alexander van Wijnkoop、伯恩室内乐团、Hans Elhorst Concerto a 5 in C, Op. 7, No. 11 for 2 Oboes, Strings and stop Co...
在Apple Music 上收听Belle Cole, Ada Adini, David Bispham, Lillian Nordica, Romayne Simmons, Emma Juch, Isidore Luckstone, Zelie De Lussan, Rosa Linde Wright, Alice Esty, Emma Eames, Charles Albert Baker, Arthur van Eweyk, Edyth Walker, Evan Williams, Ro
在Apple Music 上收听Hans-Martin Linde, Hans Elhorst, David Reichenberg, 海因兹・霍利格, Eduard Kaufmann, 琉森音乐节弦乐团, 鲁道夫 · 鲍姆加特纳, 英国协奏团, 特雷沃・平诺克, Collegium Musicum Zurich, 保罗 · 萨赫, 伯恩室内乐团 & Alexander van Wijnkoo