" (Have Goliath repeat your words.) David stood his ground and said to him. "You may think your tough, with your sword and spear, but I have God on my side, and he is stronger than anyone." (Have David repeat the words.) (Tell the children to act out the story as your tell i...
When Goliath saw David, he laughed and made fun of him. David responded to the teasing by saying, “This day will the Lord deliver thee into my hand.” David also said, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of ...
116 - David & Goliath - Lesson 622024-04-03 网址: 希伯来语原文基础 下一篇:115 - Philistine Attack - Lesson 61b 上一篇:117 - Review game for Lessons 61-62
Joann Muller, Globe Staff
The statue ofDavidfamously represents the biblical story of “David and Goliath.” The sculpture is supposed to depict David right before defeating Goliath, ready to take on the giant with his slingshot in hand. There are three Davids in Florence ...