结尾 通过以上步骤,你应该可以解决"mysql DATA_LENGTH INDEX_LENGTH 没有变小"的问题了。记得及时总结和记录解决问题的过程,这样以后遇到类似问题时就能更快地解决。祝你开发顺利!
这里database_name是目标数据库名字。这条查询会得到全部表的DATA_LENGTH之和,也就是整个数据库的数据占用空间。 数据长度和索引长度 除了数据长度,可能还想知道索引占用了多少空间。这里还有一个INDEX_LENGTH列,它也在information_schema.TABLES表里。要得到表的总长度(包括数据和索引),可以把DATA_LENGTH和INDEX_LENGTH...
index_length:二级索引所占用的空间,单位是bytes For MyISAM, INDEX_LENGTH is the length of the index file, in bytes. For InnoDB, INDEX_LENGTH is the approximate amount of space allocatedfornon-clustered indexes, in bytes. Specifically, it is the sum of non-clustered index sizes, in pages, ...
index_length:二级索引所占用的空间,单位是bytes For MyISAM, INDEX_LENGTH is the length of the index file, in bytes. For InnoDB, INDEX_LENGTH is the approximate amount of space allocatedfornon-clustered indexes, in bytes. Specifically, it is the sum of non-clustered index sizes, in pages, ...
在 mysql 中,使用 delete 命令删除数据后,会发现这张表的数据文件和索引文件却奇怪的没有变小。这是...
I hereby agree to the terms of the GreptimeDB CLA. Close #4221 Refer to a related PR or issue link (optional) Fixed the data_length, index_length and table_rows in information_schema.tables. Checkl...
查看当前链接所有业务数据库 SELECT schema_name AS db_name FROM information_schema.schemata ...
I'm a newbie to MySQL administrator version 1.1.o. This is the problem I'm having: In the catalogs tab of MySQL administrator i select my database schema, all the tables appear with their data lengths, index lengths and the number of rows each table has. The biggest table I have is ...
sum(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024"DatabaseSize(MB)" FROMinformation_schema.TABLES GROUPBYtable_schema; 这个查询语句会返回所有数据库的大小(以MB为单位),包括数据和索引的大小。 本网站发布或转载的文章均来自网络,其原创性以及文中表达的观点和判断不代表本网站。
A further note: An INDEX contains a row for each row in the table, and contains the indexed columns, plus a pointer to the row in the DATA. If you have multiple indexes, they are all included in INDEX_LENGTH (except the PRIMARY KEY for InnoDB). ...