Poison Dart Frog Breeding. Dart Frogs For Sale. Large selection at Fern's Frogs. Experienced Breeder. Available via appointments and at New York area expos.
Sales or Trades- but only Dart Frogs 1,304 Threads 2,748 Posts Poisonous dart frogs and ... Philsuma 10-01-2024, 12:44 PM Everything else for Sale or Trade Vivariums, Plants, Parts - Anything other than Dart Frogs. 497 Threads 1,018 Posts 40 gallon tanks for sale sonusood...
During theMuertosevent, the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog was dressed in a skeleton costume. Every now and than everybody needs some holidays. The Strawberry Poison Dart Frog changed place for Christmas 2016 for the first time. The Valentine's stand-in was the Pink Morph Red-eyed Tree FrogCharl...
Amazon Fringe [Cruziohyla craspedopus]…..$800ea Mexican Waxy [Pachymedusa dacnicolor]…..males $150ea…..females $300 CB Tree Frogs [juveniles, unsexed] Albino Red-Eyed [Agalychnis callidryas]…..$100ea Burgundy Red-Eyed [Agalychnis callidryas]…..$175ea Highlighter Albino Red-Eyed [Aga...