Action Speed 动作速度 Additional Magical Damage 额外魔法伤 Additional Physical Damage 额外物理伤害 Agility 敏捷 All Attributes/Primitive 所有属性 Armor Penetration 护甲穿透 Armor Rating 护甲等级 AdditionalPhysicalDamage额外物理伤害 Buff Duration Bonus --BUFF加成持续时间 Debuff Duration Bonus --deBUFF 持续时间...
武器词条翻译及效果 ..武器词条翻译及效果-Action Speed -行动速度-增加你与物品、箱子、传送门、尸体等互动的速度。-All Attributes -所有属性-按列出的数字增加角色的所有属性。-Agility -
交互速 然后属性分类,我分为 主属性:力敏智识谋 副属性(主要):血量(健康),法术容量(次数)(固定,百分比),移速(固定,百分比),施法,交互,攻击(固定,百分比), 15315 darkanddarker吧 无双の小洛 【仅供参考】总结一下经验战士:万金油,上手体验好,入门快,游戏里百分之70的装备都能用,用了武器大师perk后所有武器...
The new solo queue has arrived in Dark and Darker - the Goblin Cave is a difficult place to tackle as a beginner, as the goblins and other enemies hit extremely hard. We still think that the Barbarianis one of the best classes for solo play, mostly because of the fear you get from S...
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All of these additional skills are generally useful, especially the Bear one which can help the Druid shred through Barbarians with ease. Best spells for the Druid inDark and Darker The Druid’s spells will make your enemies shiver. Image via Ironmace ...
(蛮子 牧师 法师)( 蛮子 牧师 盗贼)(战士 牧师 猎人)(盗贼 盗贼 盗贼)(牧师 牧师 牧师) 各职业武器建议 各职业装备属性建议 战士:武装剑 盾弓 能抗能打能恢复能远程最肉的万金油 属性追求:全属性 力量 防御 攻强 蛮子:骑士斧 分享119 darkanddarker吧 飘落叶s 如何玩好一个盗贼说一下个人见解,不一定全...
分享15赞 darkanddarker吧 老牧师 武器词条翻译及效果 之前有些不明确和错误的地方这次改好了武器词条翻译及效果-Action Speed -行动速度-增加你与物品、箱子、传送门、尸体等互动的速度。-All Attributes -所有属性-按列出的数字增加角色的所有属性。-Agility -敏捷-增加你的角色的速度。(攻速和移速)-Additional ...
The unofficial Dark and Darker Goblin Guide is your Dark and Darker companion, providing detailed insights into weapons, stats, and damage. Whether you're optimizing your character build, comparing weapon attributes, or brand new to Dark and Darker, Goblin Guide offers a streamlined, user-friendly...
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