Dark and Darker Wiki Guide to all Weapons, Armors, Classes, Bosses, Enemies, Map, Uniques, Quests, Shrines, Dungeons and more for Dark and Darker - An unforgiving hardcore fantasy FPS dungeon PvPvE adventure by Ironmace
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:https://darkanddarker.map.spellsandguns.com/map/IceCavern-01-N用网页自带的翻译就行 来自Android客户端2楼2025-01-14 14:11 收起回复 迷雾笔迹 知名人士 11 https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Dark_and_Darker_Wiki 来自Android客户端3楼2025-01-14 14:20 回复 ...
翻译了一下wiki上..基础伤害+武器伤害+神圣打击伤害 * 使用武器的不同部位击中敌人的惩罚值 * 组合击奖励 * (1+魔法力量(物理力量)+ 额外物理(魔法)伤害) *
When receiving damage/healing (most notably damage), a portion of it will become recoverable, denoted as the darker red part of the health bar. Recoverable Health cannot prevent death on its own, but it can be converted to actual health using Bandages, Resting, and Tranquility. Recoverable Hea...
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https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Impact_Power#Crush Enchantments that affect longbow damageanonymous | Posted on Oct 2, 2023 at 1:39 pm More options Does only weapon damage, real physical damage and extra physical damage affect the damage of the Bows and crossbows? Does strength ...
摘自:Inferno 01 HR - Dark and Darker Interactive Map (spellsandguns.com)KOOK链接:https://kook.top/CCvYzo内容为了方便我和我几个朋友能直接切地图看,大伙也可以瞅一眼 送TA礼物 1楼2023-09-28 09:07回复 阿熹哟 中级粉丝 2 标记的只有玩家复活点、祭坛、小boss和boss、一些金箱狮头、金堆、矿...
Disclaimer: The impact zone's locations are an approximation. The real hitboxes may be slightly larger, closer together, and/or follow the weapon's shape more closely. Impact Power of Famine: 3Impact power helps with breaking crates, barricades or any other breakables in game. Higher the pow...