This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Francis MaugéArchiv Für Geschichte Der Philosophie
– Introduction of a methyl group in position 4 (angular position) has a deshielding effect on the proton located on carbon 5 (opposite angular position). – The main results are summarized in table I and figure 1.Martin, R. H.Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie Organique, ...
Le découverte de nombreux fragments pédonculaires distaux d'Eurax marhoumensis n. sp. apporte des données nouvelles sur le processus de la formation des stolons et sur le contrôle de la sécrétion stéréomique. L'existence de fixations primaires dans la dististéle démontre la nature ...
网站成立于2004年2月26日。lilygraffiti.over-blog.com的注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为,,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日。 页面信息 标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符 Lilygraffiti - bienvenu dans mon monde et découvrez mes ne suis qu amatric...
The results shows the efficiency of image analysis as a rapid and cheap method to monitor biofilm development on the long term.Elizabeth LanzaVandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL
A spectroscopic study of the emission from an argon plasma produced by a small theta-pinch is described. The electron density in the plasma is very high and the temperature relatively cool. Values obtained for these quantities areand. Wavelengths of many ArII lines have been measured between ...
The computational procedure is illustrated by examples.Key words: hydraulics, side weir, open channel flow, water distribution, bifurcation.Willi H. Hagercanadian journal of civil engineering
The acidity constant of HSO3Cl (k = 104.4) is slightly higher than that of H2S207 (k = 105). The sulfonating power of some compounds have been found to follow the orderdoi:10.1139/v75-422Pierens, PatrickAuger, YvesFischer, Jean ClaudeWartel, MichelCanadian Journal of Chemistry...
The independent terms of the extraterritorial efficiency model of the free circulation of decisions among States, and its procedural mecanism, should therefore be put forward.Gino TaverniniBibliogr
Finally, I describe my participation to the Virgo commissioning, which primarily consists in working on control systems for the system of laser beam injection and their optimization.doi:10.5170/CERN-1960-0...