This certificate documents the DAkkS calibration of your data logger or transmitter. Calibration is carried out at selectable measuring points within the range 5 to 95 %RH at a temperature of +25 °C. 详细信息 描述 产品包含 DAkkS calibration certificate for humidity with selectable calibration point...
This certificate documents the ISO calibration of your data logger or transmitter. Calibration is carried out at the measuring points 11.3 %RH, 50 %RH, 75.3 %RH at a temperature of +25 °C. 詳細資訊 描述 産品包含 DAkkS calibration certificate for humidity with the calibration points: 11.3 %...
Why did we get accredited? On the one hand, our customers are well-known testing and calibration laboratories worldwide. On the other hand, we are of the opinion that the comemso Group, as a manufacturer of measurement and test systems, should be able to draw on its own in-house expertis...
PLEASE FIND OUR CURRENT ACCREDITATIONS FROM KRAFTFAHRT BUNDESAMT HERE Certificate of Designation KBA-ZM-A 22001-95 engl. - 05.02.19 PLEASE FIND OUR CURRENT ACCREDITATIONS CONCERNING FOOD AND FEED HERE Conformity Assessments in the Field of Food in Relation to Products, Processes and Services Accordin...
安全信息 COA/MSDS 中文名称:DAkkS 校准证书 用于真空规、真空传感器或真空控制器(附于真空规/传感器/控制器) 英文名称:DAkkS Calibration Certificate for vacuum gauge, vacuum sensor or vacuum controller (attached to the vacuum gauge / sensor / controller) ...
"Our calibration certificate for your amplifiers contains a lot of information such as the exact measurement deviation and an OK/NOK assessment. This will help you improve the accuracy of your applications over the long term." Alexander von Stallenberg, Head of Global Calibration Service "With our...
2、Certificate of compliance / Certificate of compliance《符合性证书》,此为第三方机构(中介或测试认证机构)颁发的符合性声明,必须附有测试报告等技术资料TCF,同时,企业也要签署《符合性声明书》; 3、EC Attestation of conformity 《欧盟标准符合性证明书》,此为欧盟公告机构(Notified Body简写为NB)颁发的证书,按...
ISO12944颁布了2017和2018年新版本,ISO12944钢结构防护涂料系统腐蚀保护(Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Protective Paint Systems),为从事防腐工作的业主、设计人员、咨询顾问、涂料承包商、涂料生产商提供了参考,一直沿用至今,下面南京睿督检测为大家简单的分享一下ISO12944的内容。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
Calibration service The accreditation is only valid for the scope listed in the annex of the certificate D-K-19408-01-00. DAkkS-calibration of balances PreviousNext News 06/09/2024 - Currently no in-house calibrations for force devices >5 kN possible due to calibration of our reference standa...
"Our calibration certificate for your amplifiers contains a lot of information such as the exact measurement deviation and an OK/NOK assessment. This will help you improve the accuracy of your applications over the long term." Alexander von Stallenberg, Head of Global Calibration Service "With our...