请教一下,X矩阵具有行稀疏特性,那么每行的二范数如下: 得到的稀疏解的表达式为: 我的代码如下,请教如何修改? cvx_begin quiet variable X(N,L) complex minimize ( sum_square_abs(Y-A*X) + miu*norm( norms(X,2,2) ,1) ) cvx_end回复此楼» 猜你喜欢...
square_abs \(|x|^2\)for\(x\in\mathbf{R}\)or\(x\in\mathbf{C}\). square_pos \(\max\{x,0\}^2\)for\(x\in\mathbf{R}\). Convex and increasing. sum_largest(x,k) sum of the largest\(k\)values, for real vector\(x\). Convex and nondecreasing. ...
x.*xsquare(x)(实数x) conj(x).*xsquare_abs(x) y*ysum_square_abs(y) (A*x-b)*Q*(A*x-b)quad_form(A*x-b,Q) CVX将探测例如上述的⼆次表达式,并确定它们是否为凸或者是凹。如果是,将他们转化为例如右边命令的等效函数。 CVX测试每个仿射表达式的乘积和每个仿射表达式的⼆次型来检查它的凸...
sum_square_abs(vk) <= P(k); ((h{k,k}’*vk))) > 0; cvx_end I get the following error: ??? Error using ==> cvx.log at 64 Disciplined convex programming error: Illegal operation: log( {complex affine} ). Is there an equivalent formulation for the objective function?
sum_square_abs Equivalent tosum(square_abs(x)), but more efficient. Convex. sum_square_pos Equivalent tosum(square_pos(x)), but more efficient. Works only for real values. Convex and increasing. trace_inv(X) trace of the inverse of an SPD matrixX, which is the same as the sum of...
minimize( sum_square( A * x - b ) + lambda * norm( x, 1 ) ) In this case, we typically do not care about thespecificvalues oflambda; rather we are varying it over a range to study the tradeoff between the residual ofA*x-band the 1-norm ofx. The same tradeoff can be studied...
y' * y sum_square_abs( y ) (A*x-b)'*Q*(Ax-b) quad_form( A*x - b, Q ) CVX detects the quadratic expressions such as those on the left above, and determines whether or not they are convex or concave; and if so, translates them to an equivalent function call, such as those...
(:,:,i), 'fro')); end minimize sum(rate) subject to sum(R1) <= Pbs; sum(R2) >= PE; cvx_end W_=W; %judge convergence ite1 = ite1 + 1; obj1(ite1) = sum(rate); if ite1 > 1 && (abs(obj1(ite1)-obj1(ite1-1))/obj1(ite1-1) < 1e-3 || ite1 >= 200) ...
v = v / alpha; normar = alpha * abs( s * phi); end% for i = 1 : maxit relres = normr/n2b; % only display a message if the output flag is not used ifnargout < 2 itermsg('lsqr',tol,maxit,i,flag,iter,relres); end...