施洛斯在1955年到2022年的48年里,投资年复合回报率高达16%,累计回报1240倍。他买过1000多只股票,却基本不去公司调研。就调研公司的积极性和深度而言,施洛斯很显然比不上巴菲特和彼得·林奇,但他的投资方法与普通投资者的能力圈比较匹配。 自从查理·芒格在20世纪60年代加入了巴菲特的投资生涯,巴菲特开始从关注廉价股...
For Stanford Dog and iNat-M, please download the files (Stanford Dog/iNatualist 2017). You can generate the same setting as the paper mentioned with slightly modification todataset/build_productm.py. Train Lower Bound: Finetune the model directly. ...
ROYAL College of Veterinary SurgeonsCHARITABLE givingThe article reports on the donation of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) to a charity in celebration of the centenary of its Belgravia House in London, England.doi:10.1136/vr.e3749NoneVeterinary Record...
Details(Normal spec and size sheet list ) Content Optional (Choosen) 1.Material acrylic Other material: 100% polyester ,wool , nylon,viscose,reflective thread,silver thread , combination content is customized. 2.Knit Needles flat or twisted 3GG-12GG 4....
4 拟录取 无 385 6 85 86 177.000 2 79.914 5 拟录取 无 350 9.5 95.6 92 197.100 2 79.543 6 拟录取 无 359 8.5 92.4 90 190.900 2 79.442 7 拟录取 无 371 6 89 88 183.000 2 79.377 8 拟录取 无 363 7 92 88.4 187.400 2 79.255 9 拟录取 无 370 7.5 366 6 355 7 88.6 88 91 85 ...