CVC是Consonant Vowel Consonant(辅音-元音-辅音)这3个英文单词的缩写。高频基础词汇里面有不少这样的构词结构的英语词汇,为了方便记忆,通常把这类词整理在一起。 CVC中,其中第一个C(辅音)的作用是用来区别不同词义的,作类比的话,类似于汉语拼音的声母(onset),而后面的VC(元音+辅音)的作用是用来发声的,作类比的...
CVC words拼读练习Unit 3-Unit 4 word builder man tan fan fat sat bat hat rat tot dot hot tin fin bin bad sad mat lid dad bithit lit did hid rib ant sit fit ram lot ham unit 5-unit7 word builder cat cut cot cub tub rub hen men pen net pet wet hut nut cut get got gut man...
-作者xxxx-日期xxxxCVC and CVCe words 拼读练习及高频词汇汇总【精品文档】CVC words 拼读练习Unit 3-Unit 4 word builderman tan fan fat sat mat bit hit lit bat hat rat tot dot hot lid did hid tin fin bin bad sad dad rib ant sit fit ram lot ham unit 5-unit7 word buildercat cut cot ...
CVC and CVCe words 拼读练习及高频词汇汇总 CVC words拼读练习 Unit 3-Unit 4 word builder man tanfanfatsatmatbit hit lit bat hatrattotdothotliddidhid tin finbinbadsaddadrib ant sit fit ram lot ham unit 5-unit7word builder cat cut cot cub tub rub hen men pen net pet wet hut nut cut...
1、CVC a nd CVCewor ds 拼读练习及 高频词汇汇总精品文档CVC words拼读练习Unit 3-Unit 4 word builderman tan fan fat sat mat bit hit lit bat hat rat tot dot hot lid did hid tin fin bin bad sad dad rib ant sit fit ram lot hamunit 5-un it7 word buildercat cut cot cub tub rub hen...
CVC cap tap pet Nam Kit bit hop mop tub Cub CVCe cape tape Pete name kite bite hope mope tube cube Sight words 高频词汇总: of a the I up is no and in go it to not can see down one my big me come little blue red are that this was they on but she play at work we ...
CVC CVCe cap cape tap tape pet Pete Nam name Kit kite bit bite hop hope mop mope tub tube Cub cube Sight words 高频词汇总: of a the I up is no and in go it to not can see down one my big me come little blue red are that this was they on but she play at work we out am...
都是由CVC单词、英语词族组成 每个小短文阅读分5步练习 让孩子轻松收获多个知识点,简直绝了! 同个词族的单词放在一个小短文里 看完之后再也不怕孩子分不清了 还有a相关的CVC词汇放一起 4篇短文让孩子学透近百个单词; 这套资源共100多页 包含了孩子必学的自然拼读、高频词、CVC ...
CVC Short Stories 2 by:小Hu老师 4949 CVC Short Stories 1 by:小Hu老师 5990 CVC Short Stories 3 by:小Hu老师 1147 高频词 by:奇迹可寻 2.7万 315高频词 by:晓之雪晨粉墨嫣然 569 I Can Read CVC Stories by:启蒙英语童书 1513 高考高频词 ...
顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 管理/人力资源--管理学资料 文档标签: CVCandCVCewords拼读练习及高频词汇汇总 CVCwords拼读练习Unit3-Unit4wordbuildermantanfanfatsatmatbithitlitbathatrattotdothotliddidhidtinfinbinbadsaddadribantsitfitramlothamunit5-unit7wordbuildercatcutcot...