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Скоростьпередачиданныхот 1200 bps до 115.000 bps 5.FAQ Q1. Каковосостояниевашегопродукта?A: Какправило, мыможемпредоставить 4 условия: новыйоригинал/ор...
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Note: The user input data in Business Processes (BPs), attribute forms of various Managers, and other similar elements, when entered at runtime, cannot be translated. The Internationalization node (a sub-node of the Configuration node) contains the custom strings that the users have developed. ...
I have a bytes field that is actually bps but len forces me to use MB instead of Mbps. ghudgins commented Dec 1, 2021 a big +1 from a metrics customer this is the most important wish on our list of enhancements flash1293 moved this from Long-term goals to 8.2 in Lens Feb 9,...
Investigate possibility to implement 1200 bps Bell 202 modulation (and possibly also 300 bps Bell 103 modulation) for APRS using Si5351, this requires special handling to make Si5351 change frequency quickly See: etherkit/Si5351Arduino#22 Configuring...
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