Modpacks 400+ Mods / Shaders / Quests / Fun endgame goal 5.3M February 28, 2025 Modpacks Exploration +4 View Install Better MC [FORGE] BMC4 ByLunaPixelStudios 9.6M Modpacks Version 1.20.1 | A Proper Vanilla+ Modpack | Don't play Vanilla play this!
This mod adds one item, 'TNT launcher'. It shoots primed TNT: TNT launcher has inventory with 27 slots. It can be opened by pressing '0'. The launcher shoots first TNT from player inventory, then from its inventory. You can set fuse duration of TNT in the launcher screen. Default is ...
XP Bottle, TNT •Way to Get Launchers: The only way to get the Launchers is to kill Wither Skeletons. The chance of dropping a launcher is the same as getting a wither skull. Good luck with your wither skeleton farm :) And yes, you can use this addon in your "addonpack" :)...
Managing Modpacks Adding When adding a modpack, you will configure the following: Output directory This defaults to.minecraft, which is the default Minecraft resources directory. You don't need to worry about this if you play with Mojang's launcher and use the default resources directory. ...
If a modpack doesn't have that, then there are no files for a server in it. Sometimes modpack authors push updates that are purely client-side only so there won't be any server files. Sometimes if the update was bugged, then they'll remove the server files. Usually if it is a ...
整合包下载地址: 模组数量:286 汉化补丁集合站: 萌新开服推荐【CV29041774】 整合包剧情内容: Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2是著名的Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons模组包的官方精神继承者,受到许多...
[TaCZ] Timeless and Classics Zero —— 永恒枪械工坊:零支持版本:Forge 1.18.2 ~ 1.20.1、Fabric 1.20.1Fabric 需要Forge Config API Port作为前置(MCMOD百科:作者:起重基喵、酒石酸菌、黑羽_F1z、MayDayMemory同系列模组Timeless and Classics Guns详见:【MC资源帖】...
分享 回复 展开11条回复 趁风起告白 ... 怎么直接捡掉落物,就像原版一样 1月前·山东 0 分享 回复 咸鱼阿坤 作者 ... 移除真实掉落MOD 1月前·湖北 0 分享 回复 展开2条回复 nor(尊师挽歌) ... 网易电脑版有模组设定吗? 2周前·天津 0
韩媒报道演员#金赛纶 被发现在自己家中去世,年仅25岁#韩娱 #明星 #金赛纶去世 4304爆疯娱 #金价跳水有人凌晨4点排队买黄金 此前不断上涨的金价,最近突然下跌了。#金价下跌 #黄金 65强农视频 这也太突然了吧... #金赛纶 #金赛纶去世 3.2万小柴爆米花 ...
Subscribe You won't be notified about changes to this idea.Related ideas Create a Modpack in App Better Moderation Process Add local server running support Allow uploads for APICO Add Minecraft Bedrock To CurseForge App curseforge mods outta show up in your launcher, without opening forge...