print_test_row('check mail configuration: allow_signup = ON requires send_reset_password = ON', OFF == config_get_global('allow_signup') || ON == config_get_global('send_reset_password')); print_test_row('check language configuration: fallback_language is not \'auto\'','auto'!= ...
Step 1c: Assign a loopback address to the host name To make sure that the DNS domain name and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine are reported back correctly, change the following line of the/etc/hostsfile to include the FQDN and host name as the...
Step 1c: Assign a loopback address to the host name To make sure that the DNS domain name and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine are reported back correctly, change the following line of the/etc/hostsfile to include ...
Step 1c: Assign a loopback address to the host name To make sure that the DNS domain name and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine are reported back correctly, change the following line of the/etc/hostsfile to include the FQDN and host name as...