In economist’s terms, the profit taker or in common sense parlance the robber baron. Private equity companies are one of the worst practitioners of destructive economics. They loot the company of its most profitable assets and then return the ‘efficient’ business back to the market. Adding t...
the following: (ⅰ) the rate of normalization (movement toward universal usage and high prestige across domains) of the Basque language; (ⅱ) acquisition rates of Spanish and Basque languages by the children of new immigrants; and (ⅲ) likely maintenance of the immigrant students' home la...
Rapid evolution in technological possibilities to analyze the human genome and increasing knowledge of its function provides a wealth of new options for dealing with genetic diseases, but also several issues that must be addressed by the genetic services provider, patients, as well as the society. ...
For example, it has been broadly recognized that national-level food availability is only weakly correlated with indicators of undernutrition, with child underweight rates, varying widely across countries with the same levels of average per capita energy supplies (Haddad and Smith, 1999), which also...
The interconnections between health and the economy are well known and well documented. The funding gap for realizing SDG3 for good health and well-being, however, remains vast. Simultaneously, economic growth, as expressed and measured in SDG8, continue
For example, it has been broadly recognized that national-level food availability is only weakly correlated with indicators of undernutrition, with child underweight rates, varying widely across countries with the same levels of average per capita energy supplies (Haddad and Smith, 1999), which also...
These descriptions are not an exhaustive list of each innovation offered by each institution, but rather a sample of the possibilities. 3.2.1. Use of the Science of Learning Minerva University’s courses are all designed from evidence-based principles and continually honed through professor and ...
Teens are invited to fulfill the questionnaire (in the form of a matrix) using four possibilities: If variable i has no influence on variable j, the index (i, j) takes a value of zero 1 if variable I has a weak influence on variable j. 2 if variable I has a strong influence on ...