Time is short; the Trump Card is about to be played. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee; the 1st instigated “Race” (One Race of Man on Earth; Race in the Bible refers to a contest of speed) Riots began in Cleveland 1966 “Year One Satan”, the year the Church of Satan was founded. Kick...
The idea of an inductive coupling of two coils that transfers electromagnetic energy at radio frequencies across a closed chest wall was first described by Schuder and colleagues in 1961 [93]. Because VADs tend to demand a higher range of power (up to about 25 W) compared to other implants...
“the jump rope competition judges were Bonita Williams, Sabrina Crawford, Michael Bennet and host Herschel Smith. The jump rope contest winners were John Lucas (1st place), Feo Duncan (2nd place).