A mesmerising and hypnotic psychological thriller from Kiyoshi Kurosawa... Released to critical acclaim in both the East and the West, CURE was a breakthrough film for director Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a nerve shredding thriller about the hunt for a serial kil
Kiyoshi Kurosawa is easily one of the top five directors of all time. This guy made three perfect films that no one talks about – "Cure" (1997), "Kairo" (2001), and "Charisma" (1999). What's really interesting is that he follows a rather unique art-house style that's almost never...
Kurosawa Kiyoshi had more than 15 years of experience under his belt as a maker of theatrical and direct-to-video films before 1997’sCurebrought him to international acclaim. While certain elements of his trademark style (clinical camera distance, unhurried pacing) appeared sporadically in his ear...
Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa • 1997 • Japan Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s arresting international breakthrough established him as one of the leaders of an emerging new wave of Japanese horror while pushing the genre into uncharted realms of philosophical an