into CuO's VB, Meanwhile, which carry obuetcoauxisdeaTtiioOn2r'seVacBtioisnms woirtehpwoastietirvteotfhoarnmCaupOro'st,otnheanhdolienstetrrmanesdfeiartefrpormodTuicOts2.'sTVhiBs causes the photogenerated electrons lated of holes at the valence band of to be CuO. accumulated at th...
From XPS and fitting curves, we can calculate that the atomic ratio of Sr and Cu was 2:1, which correspond mtgolaatsihnselsyuthcboesontrrtaaetitenicuZanlndv,eaSrliu,eeaxnc(SdersOs2CivfuerOopm3olpitsahhretinibcglluepesr)co.uMcrevedeau,nriwne dahinicldeat,nitnohgeetxfhitlaemtrntshaaelmefi...
The phenomenon indicated that the Cu2O-CuO heterojunction of Cu2O-CuO/α-MnO2-T catalysts greatly contributed to enhanced CO oxidation activity at low temperature, which was on account of the synergetic effect of the Cu2O-CuO heterojunction [7,34]. The synergistic effect of Cu+ and Cu2+ was ...
Figure 4. The SEM images of CuO nanostructures engraved on the Cu foil surface in different Fsiygnutrhee4s.isTchoenSdEiMtionims.a(gae)sWofitChuouOtnaannyossttarubciltiuzreersoernsgurrafvaecdtaonntst;haenCduinfotihl esuprrfeasceenicnedoifff(ebre)nPtEsGyn6th00e0si;s co(cn)dSiDtiSo;n(sd....
Introduction The heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) is an important reaction for CO removal in many environmental and industrial applications such as air purification, closed-cycle CO2 lasers, the purification of hydrogen from CO traces in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell ...
Co2+, Co3+and S2−. The results are in agreement with previous studies on NiCo2S4 [45]. (a) (b) (c) (d) FigureFi4g.uXre-r4a.yXp-rhaoytpoheloetcoterloecntrsopnecsptreocstrcoospcyop(yXP(XSP) Ss)psepcetrcatraofo(fa()a)CCuu22pp;,((bb))NNii 22pp,; ((cc)) CCoo22ppa...
Response of gas sensor toward the four gases (CO, NH3, C2H4O and NO2) has been calculated according to the formula (1). S(%) = Rgas − Rair Rair × 100 (1) where, Rair and Rgas, are resistances in air and test gas, respectively. 3. Preparation of Microheaters The devices ...
[33]. The elemental analysis and purity of ZnO/CuO/PF nanocomposite were studied through the EDX spectrum, giving peaks of Zn, Cu, and O with Zn and Cu intensities in the 1:1 ratio as both participate equally in the synthesis of the composite; a greater oxygen intensity was also ...
In particular, the Cu2O/CuO system is suitable because of its high energy density, applied temperature interval, and reduced cost compared to the CoO/Co3O4 system. In heterogenous gas-solid reactions, the pressure affects the kinetics significantly. To quantify this effect for oxidation of Cu2O ...
This leads to the formation of stabilised Cu+ species, which are the active species involved in the CO adsorption, while cerium oxide provides oxygen vacancies [29]. The redox parameters of the CuO-CeO2 systems can be strongly influenced by the method of preparation of the catalysts, attaining...