Alt+Shift+Home 移至当前行的第一个单元格Alt+Clear (Num 5)选定整张表格Alt+Ctrl+U更新表格格式以匹配所应用格式设置窗口 Alt+F10将应用程序窗口调至最大Alt+F5将应用程序窗口还原为正常大小Alt+Shift+C关闭活动窗口的窗格Ctrl+F10将活动窗口放为最大Ctrl+F7更改活动窗口位置Ctrl+F5将窗口还原为正常大小Ctrl+...
Use Ctrl+Shift+F6 to switch to the us Word document window。Use Ctrl+F7 and arrow keys to execute the "Move" command when the document window is not maximized (clicking the document icon in the title bar displays this command)。Use Ctrl+F8 and arrow keys to execute the "Size" command ...
What is F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12? What is F10 Key on Laptop? What is F10 Used for? What is F11 in Excel? What is F11 Used for? What is F12 Function Key? What is F13 on Keyboard? What is F2 Used for? What is F3 Used for? What is F4 Key Used for? What...
Ctrl+GOpen Find in a browser and word processors. Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad Ctrl+IItalicize text. Ctrl+JView downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word. Ctrl+KCreate a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word an...
Can I use Ctrl+F4 in Microsoft Office applications? Yes, Ctrl+F4 works in some Microsoft Office applications, like Word and Excel. It allows you to close the active document or workbook without closing the entire application. It's handy when you have multiple documents open and want to close...
In word processing software, Ctrl+J often justifies the alignment of selected text, making both the left and right edges of the text block even. This can enhance the appearance of documents and improve readability. Are there any security considerations when using Ctrl+J?
//@央视新闻:【Word中的Ctrl键 你真的知道怎么用吗?】CTRL+Z 撤消;CTRL+A 全选;CTRL+X 剪切;CTRL+C 复制;CTRL+V 粘贴;CTRL+S 保存;CTRL+B 加粗;CTRL+Q 左对齐;CTRL+E 居中;CTRL+R 右对齐;CTRL+] 放大;CTRL+[ 缩小;CTRL+N 新建文档;CTRL+I 字体倾斜.你还知道哪些快捷键?
...pagedown left up right down f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 A-Z Letters a b c d e f g h i j k l...+h Ctrl+i Ctrl+j Ctrl+k Ctrl+l Ctrl+m Ctrl+n Ctrl+o Ctrl+p Ctrl+q Ctrl+r Ctrl+s Ctrl+t Ctrl+u Ctrl+v...Ctrl+esc Ctrl+tab Ctrl+space Ctrl+...
—–动作 快捷键 说明 Find Ctrl+F 在当前文件中查找 Replace Ctrl+R 替换字符串 Find in Path Ctrl+Shift+F 在全局文件中查找字符串 Path Ctrl+Shift+R 在全局中替换字符串 Find Usages Alt+F7 查找当前变量的使用,并列表显示 Show Usages Ctrl+Alt+F7 查找当前变量的使用,并直接对话...
用于处理域的快捷键快捷键 作用Alt+Shift+D 插入Date域Alt+Ctrl+L 插入Listnum域Alt+Shift+P 插入Page域Alt+Shift+T 插入Time域Ctrl+F9 插入空域Ctrl+Shift+F7 更新Word源文档中的链接信息F9 更新所选域Ctrl+Shift+F9 解除域的链接Shift+F9 在域代码和其结果之间进行切换Alt+F9 在所有的域代码及其结果间进行...