Alt+Left Arrow显示后一页(后退键) Ctrl+Tab在页面上的各框架中切换(加Shift反向) F5刷新 Ctrl+F5强行刷新 目的快捷键 F10激活程序中的菜单栏 Alt+菜单上带下划线的字母执行菜单上相应的命令 Ctrl+ F4关闭多文档界面程序中的当前窗口 Alt+ F4关闭当前窗口或退出程序 Ctrl+ C复制 Ctrl+ X剪切 Delete删除 F1显...
VSCode Version: 1.48.2 OS Version: Windows x64 10.0.19041 Steps to Reproduce: open a editor press the shortcut "Ctrl + Alt + UpArrow" or "Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow" to add Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
ALT+UP ARROW 在“整理收藏夹”对话框的“收藏夹”列表中向上移动所选项目 ALT+DOWN ARROW 在“整理收藏夹”对话框的“收藏夹”列表中向下移动所选项目 编辑CTRL+X 删除所选项目并将其复制到剪贴板中 CTRL+C 将所选项目复制到剪贴板 CTRL+V 将剪贴板中的内容插入到所选位置 CTRL+A 选中当前 Web 页中的所...
Alt快捷键 Alt+F4 关闭当前程序 Alt+空格+C 关闭窗口 Alt+空格+N 最小化当前窗口 Alt+空格+R 恢复最小化窗口 Alt+空格+X 最大化当前窗口 Alt+空格+M 移动窗口 Alt+空格+S 改变窗口大小 Alt+Tab 两个程序交换 Alt+255 QQ号中输入无名人 Alt+F 打开文件菜单 ...
Alt+Left Arrow显示后一页(后退键) Ctrl+Tab在页面上的各框架中切换(加Shift反向) F5刷新 Ctrl+F5强行刷新 目的快捷键 F10激活程序中的菜单栏 Alt+菜单上带下划线的字母执行菜单上相应的命令 Ctrl+ F4关闭多文档界面程序中的当前窗口 Alt+ F4关闭当前窗口或退出程序 Ctrl+ C复制 Ctrl+ X剪切 Delete删除 F1显...
Describes how to troubleshoot the error message "Bootmgr is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" that may occur when you try to start Windows.
Alt换挡=[奥特] Backspace(退格键)=[百科四怕死] NumLock(数字锁开关键)=[喽(lou)喏克] pg up(上页键)= page up=[呸杰啊扑] pg dn(下页键)= pagedown=[呸杰档] Delete(删除键)=[的立特] Enter(回车键)=[嗯特尔] Back=[霸咳] Space=[si哌死] Backspace(删除键)=[呗咳泗哌死] Insert ...
Go to the last non-empty cell of your column Ctrl + Arrow down Go to the first non-empty cell of your column Ctrl + Arrow up Go to the first non-empty cell of your row Ctrl + Arrow left Go to the last non-empty cell of your row Ctrl + Arrow right Copy the contain of the fi...
For instance even the shortcut ctrl + arrow to go directly at the end works. only the ctrl + shift + up/down doesn't works edgarsicat With the permission of all involved and your understanding, I suspect that the "permanent shift key" (the one via Shift) is not permanently switched on...