The CMFCPropertyGridCtrl class displays a property grid control that contains editable properties derived from the CMFCPropertyGridProperty class. Each property can represent a type and it can contain subitems. The property grid control supports a resizable area at the bottom that can display the ...
4 四、Ctrl+E:批量复制填充格式。方法:1、在目标单元格中输入需要显示的格式。2、选定所有目标单元格,包括录入信息的单元格。3、快捷键:Ctrl+E。5 结束语: 复制粘贴是我们日常工作中必不可少的功能,除了常用的Ctrl+C、Ctrl+V之外,还可以使用Ctrl+D、Ctrl+R、Ctrl+Enter、Ctrl+E等快捷键批量完成复制...
And as long as I am the only one to answer questions on the bug tracker like "why does my terminal not show any input anymore after I forget the - in ls | vim -?", it is unlikely that I will have the time to tackle involved projects such as overhauling the Ctrl+C handling in G...
A Deseret alphabet font. An OpenType conversion of Kenneth R. Beesley's 2004 METAFONT font "desalph", one of the first digital fonts for the Deseret alphabet. - ctrlcctrlv/desalph
To enable it, call CMFCBaseTabCtrl::EnableTabSwap. By default, tabs are detachable when you add them to a tab control. You can also add non-detachable tabs by using CMFCBaseTabCtrl::AddTab. If you set the parameter bDetachable to FALSE, the tab will not be detachable. You can also...
C 是 Copy 的第一个字母。V 是一个颠倒的插入符号,显然意味着在至少一个早期的编辑器中插入。Z 在美国 QWERTY 键盘上位于 X、C 和 V 旁边。但它的形状也象征着“Do-Undo-Redo”三合会:右上划=向前;中间向左冲程 = 后退;右下划线 = 再次向前迈出一步。Tesler 还指出,Apple+Z 键最初同时用作 Undo ...
CMFCTabCtrl::AutoSizeWindow 指定当选项卡控件的用户界面元素发生更改时,框架是否要调整所有选项卡控件窗口的工作区的大小。 CMFCTabCtrl::CalcRectEdit 缩小指定选项卡区域的大小。 (替代 CMFCBaseTabCtrl::CalcRectEdit)。 CMFCTabCtrl::Create 创建选项卡控件并将其附加到 CMFCTabCtrl 对象。 CMFCTabCtrl::Cr...
CMFCEditBrowseCtrl::GetModeReturns the current browse mode. CMFCEditBrowseCtrl::OnAfterUpdateCalled by the framework after the edit browse control is updated with the result of a browse action. CMFCEditBrowseCtrl::OnBrowseCalled by the framework after the user clicks the browse button. ...