1、Discrete Port OverviewBeside waveguide ports or plane waves, the discrete ports offers another possibility to feed the calculation domain with power. Two main port types are available: the discrete edge and the discrete face port. They are divided in three different subtypes, considering the ...
CST-STUDIO-SUITE-2014离散端口概述 下载积分:1000 内容提示: Beside waveguide ports or plane waves, the discrete ports offers another possibility to feed the calculation domain with power、 Two main port types are available: the discrete edge and the discrete face port、 They are divided in three...
cst中离散端口怎么看输入阻抗 看smith chart。用S11=(ZIN-Z0)/(ZIN+Z0)通过S11和Z0验证了一下zin,发现的确和smith chart里相应频点的阻抗是相等的,所以看smith chart就可以直接得出各个频点的输入阻抗了。
看smith chart。用S11=(ZIN-Z0)/(ZIN+Z0)通过S11和Z0验证了一下zin,发现的确和smith chart里相应频点的阻抗是相等的,所以看smith chart就可以直接得出各个频点的输入阻抗了。
介绍了CST离散端口后处理功能与ADS提取混合S参数(Mixed-mode S-parameters)对比,CST中,混合s参数编辑,参考了论文Combined Differential and Common-Mode Scattering Parameters: Theory and Simulation。公式满足的条件为奇模阻抗、偶模阻抗、特性阻抗相等 文档格式: ...
公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08] CSTSTUDIOSUITE离散端口概述 Beside waveguide ports or plane waves, the discrete ports offers another possibility to feed the calculation domain with power. Two main port types are available: the discrete edge and the discrete face port. They are...
2013-11-24上传 关于给CST加激励的离散端口详细介绍 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 1.23M 文档页数: 4页 顶/踩数: 1/0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: IT计算机--数据结构与算法 CST激励 离散端口,关于给CST加激励的离散端口详细介绍, ...