@supports (display: flex) and ( box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black ) {/*自己的样式*/} 注释:如果浏览器支持display:flex和box-shadow的属性,就执行里面自己的样式 4.逻辑操作符:“or” 的用法 @supports (display: -webkit-flex) or (display: -moz-flex) or(display: flex) {/*自己的样式*/} 注...
css - 浏览器前缀 只在IE上加载CSS 1、前缀分为:-webkit-,-ms-,-moz-,-o- -webkit-:主要兼容的浏览器是:谷歌的Chrome和苹果的Safari浏览器; -ms-:主要兼容的浏览器是:微软的Internet Explorer、Edge浏览器; -moz-:主要兼容的浏览器是:火狐的Firefox浏览器; -o-:主要兼容的浏览器是:欧朋的Opera浏览器。
@supports @supports规则是条件CSS中的另一种,也是一条件组规则,其条件测试用户代理是否支持CSS属性/值对。它可以用于编写样式表,这些样式表在可用时使用新特性,但在不支持这些特性时将可以优雅地降级。 @supports<supports-condition>{<group-rule-body>} 稍后会对@supports展开介绍,如果你迫不急待,可以先移步阅读...
Chrome & Safari: webkitTransitionEnd Firefox: mozTransitionEnd Opera:oTransitionEnd Internet Explorer:MSTransitionEndThe event will give you the following information:propertyName: Name of the animated property elapsedTime: The amount of time the transition has been running, in seconds...
CodePen Demo(-webkit- Only) 这里使用了mix-blend-mode: screen滤色模式,这是一种提亮图像形混合模式。滤色的英文是 screen,也就是两个颜色同时投影到一个屏幕上的合成颜色。具体做法是把两个颜色都反相,相乘,然后再反相。简单记忆为"让白更白,而黑不变"。(不一定十分准确,如有错误还请指正) ...
header{height:100vh;}@supports(-webkit-touch-callout:none){header{height:-webkit-fill-available;}} 庆幸的是,CSS 新增的动态视窗单位dvh可以很好的帮助我们解决。CSS 的dvh单位相当于svh和lvh: 也就是说,dvh完全解决了这个问题,并且到处都支持,所以我们基本上可以使用它们。这是最近几年最受欢迎的 CSS 改进...
It only supports the 'stretch' scheme in IE 6-8. (The other schemes ('repeat' and 'round') are fully supported in IE 9.) It doesn't support theoutset parameterdescribed in the Backgrounds & Borders module spec, though other browsers don't seem to support that yet either. ...
Amur leopard image gallery with CSS vars (responsive, WebKit only)CodePen Embed FallbackReflective Photo Gallery Wall (experiment)CodePen Embed Fallback3D Tilted Scrolling Image GalleryCodePen Embed FallbackHere’s a nice 3D tilted scrolling image gallery implemented using Pete Rojwongsuriya’s ...
) { -webkit-transform: scale(@ratio, @ratio-y); -ms-transform: scale(@ratio, @ratio-y); // IE9 only transform: scale(@ratio, @ratio-y); } .translate(@x; @y) { -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y); -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y); // IE9 only transform: translate(@...
The break-after CSS property sets how page, column, or region breaks should behave after a generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.