如果您单独查看每个玩家的设置,比较不会太有意义(例如800dpi和2个敏感度游戏与400和4相同,但似乎并不是这样),所以我们使用eDPI比较灵敏度。计算eDPI很容易。这是通过将DPI与灵敏度相乘来完成的:Example: Scream is using a DPI of 400 and a sensitivity of 2.5.Formula: Sensitivity * DPI = eDPIAnswer: ...
csgo默认鼠标灵敏..CSGO选手ZywOo的游戏中的鼠标灵敏度为epi880,dpi400,是大部分职业选手会使用的区间,其他具体参数如下。名字:Mathieu Herbaut 所属战队:Vitality 大约总奖金:
csgo开镜灵敏度1最好。职业基本大部分都是1,少数edpi较慢的会选择加快一些到1.1,niko这种瞄准怪物,540的edpi仍然选择0.8的开镜灵敏度。如果普通玩家来说,1已经是最佳选择了,增快容易影响手感。 详细答案: 控制台输入:zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.818933027098955175。 职业基本大部分都是1,少数edpi较慢的会...
那么问题来了,超过了怎么办,没关系,鼠标速度降下来,dpi升上去就是了,只要这俩乘积不变感觉起来就是不变的。对了,zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1"忘说了,这个就是开镜速度和不开镜的比例,1的话就是开镜感觉起来跟不开镜一样快。打个比方,sensitivity 2,zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.5,跟sensitivity 1,zoom...
Open up the console command and punch in the code fps_max 0. #1 Enable Boost Player Contrast Still having a hard time nailing your enemies after everything we discussed? We got you. Boost Player Contrast is a simple but extremely useful setting you can use to make the enemy’s model mor...
What are CSGO Pro Settings? If you’re still a bit confused about what this feature is, it is basically a showcase of crucial settings that professional CSGO players have set up in their game. We have organized some of their most important game settings like DPI, Zoom Sensitivity, Resolutio...
DPI/CPI/Sensitivity settings Crosshair settings Choosing the right mouse and surface Mouse and mousepad recommendations TL;DR Operating System (OS), Windows Mouse Settings Almost every good CS:GO player has the same Windows mouse settings – which is the “default” with no mouse acceleration. To...