Say's Law: A Restatement and Criticism - Lange - 1942 () Citation Context supply of primary factors and direct services” whereas he still interpreted Keynes involuntary unemployment as “an equilibrium position obtained by intersection of a demand and of a supply curve” (=-=Lange, ...
Part 1 || Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics in Memory of Henry Schultzby Oscar Lange; Francis McIntyre; Theodore O. Yntema Say's Law: a Restatement and Criticism, in Lange O et al (eds), Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, Chicago... RBLM Court - 《American...
Marx's Concept of Service and the Criticism of Say's Law: The Japanese Controversy Regarding Productive and Unproductive LabourI will argue that this `two' senses can not be apart from each other in Marx`s context, ...
in the real wage to raise employment even accepting neoclassical capital-labour substitution, because when the latter is correctly understood the rate of interest does not suffice to determine investment; hence, there is an inevitable role for the accelerator (and Say's Law is thereby undermined)....
Gov. Pence Defends Religious Freedom Bill amid Continued Criticism (Posted 2015-03-29 19:33:19) ; Critics of the New Law Say It Allows Businesses to Discriminate against Gays by Denying Them ServiceJosh HicksSarah Halzack
“Carnivalesque” is a term coined by Mikhail Bakhtin to describe the upside-down world of carnival. As a literary device, carnivalesque flouts conventions of authority and inverts social hierarchies of the existing culture. It expresses “life drawn out of its usual rut” and “the reverse si...