Cpuid rog cpu-z 15,945 Views squigy7 Level 8 07-25-201211:06 PM 03-06-202408:04 PM ROGBot 2 REPLIES Zka17 Level 16 Perhaps it's because your CPU is running at idle... Start loading your CPU and it's speed will go up - some testing software would do it (or just ...
CPU-Z uses a configuration file, cpuz.ini, that allows to set several parameters for the program. The cpuz.ini file must be in the same directory as cpuz.exe. Note that the use of this file is optional. If no .ini file is found, default values will be used. It looks like this ...
适应硬件:CPU处理器识别检测工具CPU-Z 驱动说明 CPU-Z ROG皮肤中文安装版For WinXP-32/WinXP-64/Vista-32/Vista-64/Win7-32/Win7-64/Win8-32/Win8-64/Win8.1-32/Win8.1-64(2014年4月28日发布)Haswell-E处理器、DDR4内存,这些新品都将在今年上市。
CPU-Z 1.6.9 ROG皮肤中文安装版For WinXP-32/WinXP-64/Vista-32/Vista-64/Win7-32/Win7-64/Win8-32/Win8-64/Win8.1-32/Win8.1-64(2014年4月21日发布)一个多月前,AMD推出了新的AM1平台,以原本移动平台上的低功耗Kabini APU为基础,改用独立封装接口(Socket FS1b)进军桌面市场;两周前,AMD正式发布新...
System information software WINDOWS®x86/x64 WINDOWS®ARM64 ANDROID® DOWNLOAD CPU-Z The file"cpu-z_1.74-rog-en.zip"is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Support CPU-Z Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!
System information software WINDOWS®x86/x64 WINDOWS®ARM64 ANDROID® DOWNLOAD CPU-Z The file"cpu-z_1.72.1-rog-en.zip"is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Support CPU-Z Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!
System information software WINDOWS®x86/x64 WINDOWS®ARM64 ANDROID® DOWNLOAD CPU-Z The file"cpu-z_1.91-rog-en.zip"is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Support CPU-Z Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!
System information software WINDOWS®x86/x64 WINDOWS®ARM64 ANDROID® DOWNLOAD CPU-Z The file"cpu-z_1.78-rog-en.zip"is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Support CPU-Z Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!
System information software WINDOWS®x86/x64 WINDOWS®ARM64 ANDROID® DOWNLOAD CPU-Z The file"cpu-z_1.79-rog-en.zip"is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Support CPU-Z Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!