” from the College of American Pathologists, the subsections for Pathology and Laboratory are as follows: Infectious Agent: Detection of Antibodies (86602-86804), Molecular Diagnostics (83890-83912), Chemistry (82000-84999), Urinalysis (81000-81099...
procedures. These codes also have alphabetic characters for the fifth digit: 0001T Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm or dissection 0041T Urinalysis infectious agent detection A temporary code may become a permanent part of the regular codes if the ser- ...
文档标签: cptandicd-9-cmcodes 系统标签: icdcptcodesvaccinediphtheriatoxoids 1 CPTandICD-9-CMCodes Thecodesprovidedarefromthe2013editionofCPTPlusand2013ICD-9-CM OfficeEdition.CompaniesareadvisedtorefertothecompletelistingofCPTand ICD-9-CMcodestoensurecompliancewithallreportingrequirements.Itisthe company’...