( ) A 30:2 B 15:2 C 30:1 D 15:1 4.对成人进行口对口吹气时,吹气的频率为( ) A 10-12 次/分钟 B 20-24 次/分钟 C 5-6 次/分钟 D 12-20 次/分钟 5.指南中胸外按压部位为( ) A 双乳头之间胸骨正中部 B 心尖部 C 胸骨中段 D 胸骨左缘第 5 肋间 6.成人心肺复苏时胸外按压的...
1.DefineofCPR2.Assessvictim(Judgementof respiratoryandcardiacarrest)3.ProcessofCPR DEFINE:CPR CPR CardiopulmonaryResuscitation(CPR):consistsofmouth-to-mouthormouth-to-noserespirationandchestcompression.CPRallowsoxygenatedbloodtocirculatetovitalorganssuchasthebrainandheart.CPRcankeepapersonaliveuntilmoreadvanced...
Press and artificial breathing ratio: 30:2 / single person ratio or 15:2 / double. Operation cycle: 30 effective artificial chest compressions, 2 additional manual insufflations, and then press and manual insufflation 30:2 five cycle CPR operation. Ope...
2 2000年美国心脏学会(AHA)和国际复苏联盟(ICLOR)根据循证医学方法制定的CPR和心血管急救(ECC)指南首次面世。5年后,AHA和ICLOR于2005年1月22-29日组织来自世界各地从事CRP和ECC的专家在美国对该指南进行修改,期间又广泛征求了世界各地专家的意见,新指南终于在2005年12月13日的Circulation上刊出。3 多国性...
无国界、无种族界限的 共同的公共健康问题,也是国内外重要的医疗保健难题之一。猝死在临床上相当常见,对社会和家庭影响极大。病因 1.冠心病、恶性室性心律失常2.突发意外事件:溺水、严重创伤 3.严重的酸中毒、电解质紊乱 4.休克、中毒 5.手术或操作意外 6.麻醉 病理生理机制 骤停前期骤停期复苏期复苏后期 ...
and I was seen by the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at a Swedish hospital. After the full battery of tests and stuff again, I apparently had the healthy heart of a 30-year-old in a 40-year-old body. At the end of our appointment he said, “if you wanted to have another surgery tomorro...
一、一般临床表现:5、双侧瞳孔散大(30-40秒后出现)。6、大小便失禁。二、心电图诊断:1、心室颤动波。2、心室静止,心电图呈一水平直线或仅有P 波而无QRS波群。3、心电-机械分离,心电图呈现缓慢、低幅 而宽的不典型心室波,但不能引起心室收缩活动。四、现场心肺复苏 初步ABCD =基本生命支持(BLS)...
A drug overdose victim should be given 2 minutes or 5 cycles of CPR. If there are two rescuers and the victim is an infant or child, two breaths should be administered for every 15 compressions, instead of for every 30. A child is defined as a person between the ages of 1 and 12 ...