Ultimaker CPE+ CPE (co-polyester) materials are chemical resistant, tough and demonstrate good dimensional stability. It is a preferred choice for both functional prototypes and mechanical parts. While both CPE and CPE+ provide similar performance characteristics, CPE+ provides the added benefit of hi...
技术数据单CPE-Ultimaker 化学名称描述 关键特点用途不适用于共聚酯CPE 耐化学药品、坚固、有韧性且具有良好的尺寸稳定性。CPE 有丰富的颜色可选,包括不同的灰度等级,以使模型更专业化。 极佳的耐化学药品性、硬度和尺寸稳定性、良好的层间附着力(尤其是在使用前门附加组件时)以及较低的超细颗粒物(UFP)和挥发...
I have used PC in my UM3 for functional prototypes and it works very well. I am now trying CPE+ and it too is working well also. I am just wondering what the difference in strength is between the two materials. I have the data sheets and understand them,
Ultimaker PVA有着怎样的独特优势?相信读完本篇文章,你的这些疑惑将得到解答。 +1 分享2赞 哥几个走着吧 回家坐板凳 【峥嵘岁月】 今日更新【1187】露露的本来身份 慢慢的兰兰从地上摇了摇头甩了甩自己头发上的水睁开了眼睛张法鑫看着她睁开眼了把她甩gLFmUiMWtVmjBWP到了一边兰兰双手反剪**着身体靠在了一边...