Pandemic:(of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants;某种疾病几乎存在于所有区域,或几乎存在于所有人群或动植物。对应中文,可以翻译为全球性/全国性疫情、流行病。如,In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上...
中文:COVID-19疫情对全球经济造成了巨大影响。英文:The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the global economy. 中文:我们必须采取措施来防止COVID-19的传播。英文:We must take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 中文:科学家们正在努力研发针对COVID-...
net zero:净零耗能 pandemic:大流行,疫情爆发。在很大范围内流行并影响很大一部分人口的疾病 personal protective equipment:个人防护装备,如口罩、防护服、护目镜等 PPE:个人防护装备(personal protective equipment)的缩写 plandemic:计划好的病毒大流行(形容病毒是人为制造的阴谋论等) R number:传染率,指由单个感染...
net zero:净零耗能 pandemic:大流行,疫情爆发。在很大范围内流行并影响很大一部分人口的疾病 personal protective equipment:个人防护装备,如口罩、防护服、护目镜等 PPE:个人防护装备(personal protective equipment)的缩写 plandemic:计划好的病毒大流行(形容病毒是人为制造的阴谋论等) R number:传染率,指由单个感染...
中文(繁体,台湾) This is good as is! If anything, I would only make some minor edits: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to avoid [to shy away from --> ok but wordy] travel or events that attract large crowds, hurting theaters, concert halls and sports arenas as a result. ...
例句2:Vaccines have been developed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. (已经研发出疫苗来对抗 COVID-19 大流行。) 例句3:Public health measures, such as social distancing, are crucial in controlling the spread of COVID-19. (公共卫生措施,如保持社交距离,对于控制 COVID-19 的传播至关重要。)...
【双语】COVID-19(2019冠状病毒病) 4.2万 59 视频 Osmosis中文 命名|Naming COVID-19 By now you’ve probably heard of COVID-19, or coronavirus disease discovered in 2019, which is responsible for a global pandemic. Thus far the main country affected has been China, but it has spread to ...
盖茨认为,通过投资于疾病监测、研究和开发以及改善卫生系统,我们可以“创造一个每个人都有机会过上健康和富有成效的生活的世界——一种没有对下一次COVID-19的恐惧的生活。 字幕制作者(中文(简体)):不知道发了什么 字幕制作者(英语(美国)):不知道发了什么...
*** *** 的英文翻译是COVID-19 pandemic。“COVID-19”指的是新型冠状病毒的名称,而“pandemic”则表示这种 *** 在全球范围内大规模爆发和蔓延的状态。 *** *** ,全称为新型冠状病毒肺炎,是由一种新发现的新型冠状病毒引起的疾病,当这种病毒在全球范围内传播,导致大量人群感染时,我们称之为 *** *** ...
【TED Ed】Will there be another pandemic in your lifetime? (有生之年你还会遭遇另一场疫情吗?) 1570 14 6:49 App 倪海厦传授《撞墙术》!快速清理血管堵塞!强心脏去淤堵! 552 -- 4:58 App 【TED Ed】Is it possible to lose weight fast?(快速减肥可取吗?) 1521 -- 4:57 App 大叔与乌鸦 英语...