Epidemic中的“Epi”意为“among” or “upon”,所以epidemic意为“在人民当中”。 而“Pan” 意思是“all,” 所以pandemic意为“感染所有人”。 COVID-19属于epidemic 还是pandemic? 截止目前,全球新冠肺炎累计确诊病例已突破143万例。零感染的国家只有4个。疫情遍布除南极洲以外的所有大洲。 很显然,新冠肺炎早已...
Coronavirus指的是新冠病毒,这些病毒的形状加之身上的刺(spikes)看上去像皇冠(crown),皇冠在拉丁语里叫corona,病毒名字由此而来。 2)Endemic, Epidemic, pandemic 从程度上讲,这三个词是依次越来越严重的。我们知道新冠疫情已经被WHO正式宣布进入pandemic(全球大流行)阶段,非常严峻。之前在武汉集中大爆发的时候,属于epi...
Epidemic是区域性的(单区域或多区域),一旦波及一定数量的国家和地区,就会升级成为pandemic全球性大流行病,如只有中国大爆发时的新冠肺炎是epidemic,而现在波及全球的就是pandemic. Pandemic 全球性大流行病 pan-+epidemic,pan-泛,worldwide spread 即世界范围内广泛传播的流行病。同样,可以指传染病或非传染病。 例句:...
The COVID-19 global pandemic is the most extensive to afflict humanity in a century. A serious crisis for the entire world, and a daunting challenge, it poses a grave threat to human life and health. The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee adopted "extraordinary measures" to t...
2.Abubakar U, Al-Anazi M, Alanazi Z, Rodríguez-Baño J. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on multidrug resistant gram positive and gram negative pathogens: A systematic review. J Infect Public Health. 2023 Mar;16(3):320-331. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2022.12.022. Epub 2022 Dec 31. PMID: ...
世界卫生组织在3月11日宣布COVID-19已具有大流行(Pandemic)特征[1]。因此,中国中医科学院和武汉大学中南医院、武汉雷神山医院抗疫一线团队联合国内感控、感染、中医、药学和循证医学等专业团队,制定本COVID-19中西医结合临床诊疗快速建议指南,总结分享中西医结合救治经验,为抗疫提供参考。 引用本文 PERMISSIONS ...
Pandemic:An epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of individuals. Pathogen:A micro-organism which can cause, or causes disease or damage to a host. Prevalence:The number of infected people in a population at a given point in time. ...
题目During the COVID-19 pandemic(疫情),many people under lockdown (防范禁闭)feel lonely(孤独 的) and bored. "There is a loneliness epidemic," said John Dattilo from Pennsylvania State University,US.So he,together with an international team of researchers,studied how to re...
But even if they do, asymptomatic transmission likely plays a minor role in the overall epidemic. 一旦被感染,一般5天后才出现症状,这就是潜伏期。然而,潜伏期长短因人而异,一些研究表明潜伏期可长达24天!虽然现阶段对无症状群体是否能传播疾病还存在争议,因为通常这些人群携带的病毒含量很低。但即便如此,无...
2020.15067 Editor’s Note: For a complete list of livestream interviews by JAMA Network Editor in Chief Howard Bauchner, MD, that focus on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, visit Conversations With Dr Bauchner. 原标题:《JAMA:专家关于COVID-19-雷姆昔韦,疫苗等方面的讨论》